off-road — adj [usually before noun] 1.) designed to be used on rough ground as well as on roads ▪ an off road vehicle 2.) going over rough ground ▪ off road cycling ▪ off road tracks >off road adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
off-road — adj. designed for or used for or taking place on trails and beaches etc., instead of public roads; as, off road vehicles; off road sports such as snowmobiling. [Narrower terms: {cross country (vs. road) ] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
off-road — (adj.) 1949, from OFF (Cf. off) (adv.) + ROAD (Cf. road) … Etymology dictionary
off-road — /ofˈrod, ingl. ˈofˌrəud/ [loc. ingl., letteralmente «fuori (off) strada (road)»] s. m. inv. fuoristrada … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
off-road — [off rōd΄] adj. designating or of a vehicle, as a dune buggy, for use off regular highways, streets, etc … English World dictionary
off-road — off′ road′ adj. aum trs designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads or rough terrain • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
off-road — ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : of, relating to, being, or done with a vehicle designed especially to operate away from public roads * * * /awf rohd , of /, adj. 1. designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads, trails,… … Useful english dictionary
off-road — /awf rohd , of /, adj. 1. designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads, trails, beaches, or rough terrain: an off road vehicle. 2. taking place on such roads or terrain: off road racing. 3. used for or suitable… … Universalium
off-road — adverb away from the road; on rough terrain. adjective denoting a vehicle or bicycle for use off road. Derivatives off roader noun off roading noun … English new terms dictionary
Off-road — Any non stationary device, powered by an internal combustion engine or motor, used primarily off the highways to propel, move, or draw persons or property, and used in any of the following applications: marine vessels, construction/farm… … Energy terms