* Citation last = Wilson first = Matthew title = Open-sourceFlexibilityviaNamespaceAliasing newspaper = C/C++ User'sJournal volume = 21 issue = 7 year = 2003 date = July2003 url = http://www.ddj.com/cpp/184401677
* Citation last = Wilson first = Matthew title = GeneralisedStringManipulation:AccessShimsandType-tunnelling newspaper = C/C++ User'sJournal volume = 21 issue = 8 year = 2003 date = August2003 url = http://www.cuj.com/documents/s=8681/cuj0308wilson/
* Citation last = Wilson first = Matthew title = ReadingUnix-styleDirectoriesviaSTL-compliantSequences newspaper = TheC++ Source volume = issue = year = 2004 date = June21, 2004 url=http://www.artima.com/cppsource/directoriesviasequences.html
* Citation last = Wilson first = Matthew title = AdaptingInterface-IncompleteTypesatCompileTime newspaper = C/C++ User'sJournal volume = issue = year = 2005 date = Deceember2005 url = http://www.ddj.com/cpp/184402050
* Citation last = Wilson first = Matthew url=http://stlsoft.org/ title=STLSoft - Robust, Lightweight, Cross-platform, TemplateSoftware accessdate= 22May2008
* Citation last = Wilson first = Matthew title = STLSoftDocumentation year = 2008 date = 01Oct2008 url = http://stlsoft.sourceforge.net/documentation.html accessdate = 01Oct2008
* Citation last = Wilson first = Matthew title = STLSoftLibrary1.9.56 year = 2008 date = 01Oct2008 url = http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=238860 accessdate = 01Oct2008
* citebook first = Matthew last = Wilson coauthors = authorlink = year = 2004 title = ImperfectC++:PracticalSolutionsforReal-LifeProgramming publisher = Addison-Wesley id = ISBN0-321-22877-4
* citebook first = Matthew last = Wilson coauthors = authorlink = year = 2007 title = ExtendedSTL, Volume1:CollectionsandIterators publisher = Addison-Wesley id = ISBN0-321-30550-7
* STLSoftGettingStartedGuide (Draft) [http://stlsoft.wiki.sourceforge.net/space/showimage/STLSoft-GettingStarted.pdfPDF] , [http://stlsoft.wiki.sourceforge.net/space/showimage/STLSoft-GettingStarted.chmCHM] * [http://www.byte.com/wilson/ ArticlesbyMatthewWilson] on [http://www.byte.com/ Byte.com] * [http://www.ddj.com/TechSearch/searchResults.jhtml?queryText=matthew+wilson&x=34&y=4ArticlesbyMatthewWilson] on [http://www.ddj.com/ Dr.Dobb'sPortal] * [http://synesis.com.au/articles.htmlArticlesbyMatthewWilson] onSynesisSoftwareWebsite
* [http://stlsoft.org/ STLSoftOfficialWebsite] * [http://blog.stlsoft-musings.net/ STLSoftMusings] Blog * [news://news.digitalmars.com/c++.stlsoftSTLSoftnewsgroup]
Matthew Wilson (author) — Matthew Wilson is a software engineer and author. Specializing in C/C++, he may be best known for his time as columnist and contributing editor for C/C++ Users Journal, but has also written articles for a number of other publications, as well as… … Wikipedia
B64 Software Library — infobox software name = b64 C/C++ Base 64 Encoding Library caption = latest release version = 1.3.4 latest release date = 24 August 2008 programming language = C/C++ operating system = Cross platform genre = Logging license = BSD form license… … Wikipedia
FastFormat — infobox software name = FastFormat C/C++ Formatting Library caption = latest release version = 0.2.1 (alpha 3) latest release date = 12 September 2008 programming language = C++ operating system = Cross platform genre = Formatting license = BSD… … Wikipedia
VOLE C++ Library — infobox software name = VOLE C++ Library caption = latest release version = 0.6.1 latest release date = 12 September 2008 programming language = C++ operating system = MS Windows genre = OLE Automation wrapper, STL extension, Facades license =… … Wikipedia
Header-only — A library, usually in C or C++, is called header only if the full definitions of all macros, functions and classes comprising the library are visible to the compiler in a header / include file formcite book last = Wilson first = Matthew… … Wikipedia
Pantheios — infobox software name = Pantheios C/C++ Logging API Library caption = latest release version = 1.0.1 (beta 162) latest release date = 7 October 2008 programming language = C/C++ operating system = MS Windows, Unix, Mac OS X genre = Logging… … Wikipedia
Template (programming) — Templates are a feature of the C++ programming language that allow functions and classes to operate with generic types. This allows a function or class to work on many different data types without being rewritten for each one. Templates are of… … Wikipedia
Список библиотек языка C++ — Нижеследующий список библиотек языка C++ содержит перечень различных библиотек шаблонов или классов, доступных для использования при написании программ на языке программирования C++. Список библиотек упорядочен по алфавиту. Содержание 1 Общего… … Википедия