HLA-DQ2 — heteroisoform isoformgroup = HLA DQ2 polymer type = MHC Class II, DQ image source = Illustration of HLA DQ2.5 with deamidate gliadin peptide in the binding pocket.PDB2|1s9v isoformCount = 3 subunit1 = DQA1 subunit2 = DQB1 isoform1 = DQ α2β2 nick1 … Wikipedia
HLA A1-B8-DR3-DQ2 — Mgh haplotype = HLA A1 B8 DR3 DQ2 image source = HLA region on chromosome 6 chromosome = 6 location = 6p21.3 variable = alias = Super B8 , AH8.1 , ancestral MHC 8.1 othertype = Serotype loci1name = Class I loci1rows = 3 gene1name = HLA A gene1var … Wikipedia
HLA DR3-DQ2 — Mgh haplotype = HLA DR3 DQ2 image source = HLA region on chromosome 6 chromosome = 6 location = 6p21.3 variable = alias = HLA DRB1*0301:DQA1*0501:DQB1*0201 othertype = Serotype loci1name = HLA DR loci1rows = 3 gene1name = HLA DRA gene1var = [http … Wikipedia
Gluten immunochemistry — The immunochemistry of Triticeae glutens is important in several inflammatory diseases. It can be subdivided into innate responses (direct stimulation of immune system), class II mediated presentation (HLA DQ), class I meditiated stimulation of… … Wikipedia
Coeliac disease — Classification and external resources Biopsy of small bowel showing coeliac disease manifested by blunting of villi, crypt hyperplasia, and lymphocyte infiltration of crypts ICD 10 … Wikipedia
HLA-DQ8 — (MHC Class II, DQ cell surface antigen) Rendering of HLA DQ8 with immundoinant insulin peptide in the binding pocket. Cis haplotype Haplotype … Wikipedia
Oat sensitivity — represents a sensitivity to the proteins found in oats, Avena sativa. Sensitivity to oats as a result of allergy or to the seed storage proteins either inhaled or ingested. A more complex condition results to individuals who have gluten sensitive … Wikipedia
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy associated conditions — Gluten sensitive enteropathy (GSE) has key symptoms typically restricted to the bowel and associated tissues, however there are a wide variety of associated conditions. These include bowel disorders (diarrhoea, constipation, irritable bowel),… … Wikipedia
Anti-transglutaminase antibodies — AutoAbBox Autoantigen = transglutaminase SharedInfo = Yes CommentShared Answer Yes only if true SI Gene = SI Organ = SI Tissue = SI Cell = SI Also = SI Disease = SI Class = IgA, IgG SI IgGSubclass = SI HLA1 = DQ2.5 SI HLA2 = DQ8 SI HLA3 =… … Wikipedia
HLA-DR3 — is composed to the HLA DR17 and HLA DR18 split antigens serotypes. DR3 is a component gene allele of the AH8.1 haplotype in Northern and Western Europeans. Genes between B8 and DR3 on this haplotype are frequently associated with autoimmune… … Wikipedia