Der letzte Tag (song)

Der letzte Tag (song)

Infobox Single
Name = Der Letzte Tag

Artist = Tokio Hotel
from Album = Schrei
B-side =
Released = August 28, 2006 (Germany)
Format = CD single
Recorded =
Genre = Pop rock
Length =
Label = Island (Universal)
Writer = Dave Roth, Pat Benzner, David Jost and Bill Kaulitz
Producer =
Certification =
Last single = "Rette Mich" (2005)
This single = "Der Leztze Tag" (2006)
Next single = "Übers Ende der Welt" (2007)

"Der letzte Tag" ("The Last Day") is the fourth single by German Pop rock band Tokio Hotel, from their 2005 debut album "Schrei". The single also contains the b-side "Wir schliessen uns ein". It was later translated into English for their Scream album, and called "Final Day". It was not released as an English single.

Music video

The music video for the song Der letzte Tag is a video of the band performing live on a roof top in Germany. When the video starts, fans run down the street toward the building as the band begins to assemble. Bill begins singing while sitting on the building's edge, his legs dangling. During the video, Georg, Tom and Bill are constantly running back and forth on the roof while playing, the result being that their positions are constantly changing. By the time the band plays the final chorus of the song, Georg, Tom and Bill are bouncing up and down while playing and singing. The fans are doing the same.


;CD single Pt. 1

# "Der letzte Tag" (Single version) - 3:14
# "Der letzte Tag" (Grizzly remix) - 3:14
# "Frei im freien fall" - 3:03
# "Wir schliessen uns ein" - 3:14
# "Wir schliessen uns ein" (Music video) - 3:14

;CD single Pt. 2

# "Der letzte Tag" (Single version) - 3:14
# "Der letzte Tag" (Akustik version) - 3:10
# "Der letzte Tag" (Music video) - 4:50
# Tokio Hotel Gallery
# "Der letzte Tag" (FanSpecial backstage live clip) - 3:20



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