- NSDAP/AO (1972)
In 1972 United States citizen Gary Rex Lauck (born in 1953) founded a neo-Nazi faction which he denominated NSDAP/AO in Lincoln,
Nebraska . This abbreviation stands for "NSDAP Aufbau- und Auslandsorganisation" (English: "NSDAP Development and Foreign Organization"). Lauck's splinter party claims to be a continuation of the originalNSDAP/AO and supplies neo-Nazis worldwide with propaganda material. Since 1973 this new NSDAP/AO publishes Nazi magazines ("NS-Kampfruf", for example) - by his own account in ten languages. As one of its political aims it declares the readmission of NSDAP as an eligible party in Germany.External links
* " [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/1782103.stm 'Farmbelt Fuehrer' loses web case] ",
BBC News, January 25, 2002.
* " [http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?aid=193 When Laws Conflict] ", Intelligence Report, Issue Number 103, Fall 2001
* Elliot Welles: " [http://www.adl.org/PresRele/HolNa_52/2744_52.asp A Survivor Faces A New 'Fuhrer'] ",Anti-Defamation League , Press Release, May 22, 1996
* Nancy Finken: " [http://net.unl.edu/swi/pers/nazi.html Nebraska's Nazi] ", Nebraska Public Radio, March 24, 1995 (quoted after "Statewide", Nebraska's weekly news journal)
* http://www.nazi-lauck-nsdapao.com/ official website
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.