- Lactogal
company_name = Lactogal
company_type = Private
foundation = 1996
location =Porto ,Portugal
industry =Food Products
products = Food Products
homepage = [http://www.lactogal.pt www.lactogal.pt]Lactogal is a Portuguese food products company focused on
dairy product s,milk ,fruit juice andmineral water . It is headquartered inPorto and is placed among the twenty largest agro-food European companies. It has major factories inOliveira de Azeméis andVila do Conde .History
It was founded in 1996 by the fusion between the three largest Portuguese companies in the sector: AGROS - União das Cooperativas de Produtores de Leite Entre Douro e o Minho e Trás-os-Montes, UCRL (headquartered in
Vila do Conde ); LACTICOOP - União das Cooperativas de Produtores de Leite entre Douro e Mondego, UCRL (headquartered inAveiro ); and PROLEITE/MIMOSA S.A. (headquartered inOliveira de Azeméis ). The company acquired the Spanish company "Leche Celta" in 2006, and as of 2007, Lactogal is planning to complete before 2010 a new factory in Oliveira de Azeméis. [ [http://diariodigital.sapo.pt/dinheiro_digital/news.asp?section_id=30&id_news=83245 Lactogal investe 50 M€ numa fábrica em Oliveira de Azeméis] , in Diário Digital]Factories in Portugal
Tocha –milk collecting and juice
*Oliveira de Azeméis –yogurt ,UHT milk, cream
*Vila do Conde – UHT milk, butter, cream and yogurt
*Sanfins (Sever do Vouga ) – cheese
*Aviz – cheese, butter
*Leça –pasteurized milk
*Lousado – milk collecting that is stored in order to be sent to Vila do Conde's factory
*Macedo de Cavaleiros – UHT milk
*Azores – cheese"Source: [http://www.spi.pt/ied/lactogal.htm Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação] "
*Mimosa (diverse dairy food)
*Agros (diverse dairy food)
*Gresso (diverse dairy food)
*Vigor (diverse dairy food)
*Pleno (milk)
*Matinal (diverse dairy food)
*Adágio (yogurt)
*Fresky (fruit juices)
*Águas Serra da Penha (mineral water)
*Primor (butter)
*Castelões (cheese)
*Serra Dourada (milk)
*Milhafre (milk and butter)
*Leche Celta (diverse dairy food)References
External links
* [http://www.lactogal.pt Lactogal]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.