- Cruentaren
Cruentaren is a macrolide secreted by the myxobacteria Byssovorax cruenta .
Two isomers (A and B) have been isolated with a molecular formula of C33H51 NO8 and molecular weight 589. Cruentaren A strongly inhibits the growth of yeasts and filamentous fungi, and inhibits the proliferation of different cancer cell lines including a multidrug-resistant KB line. Cruentaren B shows only marginal cytotoxicity and no antifungal activity.
- Kunze, Brigitte; Heinrich Steinmetz, Gerhard Höfle, Markus Huss, Helmut Wieczorek, Hans Reichenbach (2006). "Cruentaren, a new antifungal salicylate-type macrolide from Byssovorax cruenta (Myxobacteria) with inhibitory effect on mitochondrial ATPase activity : Fermentation and biological properties". Journal of Antibiotics 59 (10): 664–668. doi:10.1038/ja.2006.89. ISSN 0021-8820. PMID 17191683.
- "Cruentaren A, a highly cytotoxic benzolactone from Myxobacteria is a novel selective inhibitor of mitochondrial F1-ATPases". ScienceDirect. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T36-4P3TVGJ-6&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=44e6dd6b0348e86ea27d02c0cbdb0f7e. Retrieved 2008-07-07.
Categories:- Macrolides
- Antifungals
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