List of City College of New York people

List of City College of New York people

Here follows a list of notable alumni and faculty of the City College of New York.

Nobel laureates

*Julius Axelrod 1933 - 1970 Nobel laureate in Medicine
*Kenneth Arrow 1940 - 1972 Nobel laureate in Economics
*Robert J. Aumann 1950 - 2005 Nobel laureate in Economics
*Herbert Hauptman 1937 - 1985 Nobel laureate in Chemistry
*Robert Hofstadter 1935 - 1961 Nobel laureate in Physics
*Jerome Karle 1937 - 1985 Nobel laureate in Chemistry
*Arthur Kornberg 1937 - 1959 Nobel laureate in Medicine
*Leon M. Lederman 1943 - 1988 Nobel laureate in Physics
*Arno Penzias 1954 - 1978 Nobel laureate in Physics
*Julian Schwinger - transferred to Columbia University - 1965 Nobel laureate in Physics

Politics, government, sociology, and philosophy

*Herman Badillo 1951 Congressman and Chairman of CUNY's Board of Trustees
*Bernard M. Baruch 1889 - Wall Street financier and adviser to American Presidents; author of the Baruch Plan
*Daniel Bell - neoconservative sociologist, professor at Harvard University
*Abraham D. Beame 1928 - mayor of New York City, 1974 to 1977
*Stephen Bronner - political theorist, Marxist, professor at Rutgers University
*Upendra J. Chivukula - first Asian American elected to the New Jersey General Assembly
*Henry Cohen 1943 - Director, Föhrenwald DP Camp; Founding Dean the Milano School for Management and Urban Policy at the The New School
*Morris Raphael Cohen - graduate of CCNY and professor at CCNY; philosopher, lawyer, and legal scholar; the Cohen Library at CCNY is named for him
*Abraham Foxman - National Director of the Anti-Defamation League
*Felix Frankfurter 1902 - justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
*George Friedman - founder of Stratfor, author, professor of Political Science, security and defense analyst
*Nathan Glazer - sociologist, professor at Harvard University; author of "Beyond the Melting Pot" with Daniel Patrick Moynihan
*Sidney Hook 1923 - writer and philosopher
*Robert T. Johnson 1972 - Bronx District Attorney
*Ed Koch 1945 - mayor of New York City, 1978 to 1989
*Irving Kristol 1940 - neoconservative intellectual, professor at New York University
*David Landes - historian, professor at Harvard University
*Melvin J. Lasky 1938 - anti-communist, editor of "Encounter" 1958 to 1991
*Guillermo Linares 1975 - the first Dominican-American New York City Council Member
*Seymour Martin Lipset - political sociology, trade unions
*David Mechanic - medical sociology, health behavior
*Sidney Morgenbesser - philosopher, John Dewey Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University, known to have witheringly applied Jewish humor to issues in metaphysics and epistemology [ [ Obituary: Professor Sidney Morgenbesser | Independent, The (London) | Find Articles at BNET ] ]
*Henry Morgenthau, Sr. - financier and diplomat; as ambassador to Ottoman Empire attempted to warn the world about the Armenian genocide
*Daniel Patrick Moynihan - spent a year at CCNY before he was drafted; author of "Beyond the Melting Pot" with Nathan Glazer; ambassador to the U.N., senator representing New York
*Colin L. Powell 1961- United States Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army General, National Security Advisor
*Alexander Rosenberg - Lakatos Award-winning philosopher at Duke University
*Julius Rosenberg - infamous convicted spy during the Cold War
*Robert F. Wagner Sr. - United States Senator from New York, 1927 to 1949; introduced the National Labor Relations Act
*Michele Wallace 1975 - a major figure in African-American studies, feminist studies and cultural studies
*General Alexander S. Webb - second president of the college; winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism at the Battle of Gettysburg
*Stephen Samuel Wise 1891- Reform rabbi, early Zionist and social justice activist.


*Solomon Asch - psychologist, known for the Asch conformity experiments
*Lawrence Balter - psychology professor, NYU
*Leonard Bickman - quantitative research methods
*Isidor Chein - minority group identification, wrote "amicus curiae" brief in "Brown v. Board of Education"
*Kenneth Clark - CCNY professor who studied attitudes toward race and testified at "Brown v. Board of Education"
*Jacob Cohen - statistician, developed the coefficient kappa for reliability research, expert on factor analysis and regression analysis
*Morton Deutsch - social psychology, conflict resolution
*Jack Elinson - pioneer in sociomedical science
*Leonard Eron - expert on the development of aggression
*Leon Festinger 1939 - social psychologist. Pioneered experimental social psychology, the theory of cognitive dissonance
*Norman Garmezy - risk research, clinical psychology, resilience
*Murray Glanzer - cognition, perception, and neuroscience
*Robert Glaser - educational psychology
*Henry Gleitman - cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics
*Arno Gruen - psychologist and psychoanalyst
*Ernest Harberg - research on social stress and blood pressure (and son of CCNY alumnus Yip Harberg)
*Richard Herrnstein - quantitative analysis of behavior; co-author of "The Bell Curve"; Harvard professor
*Julian Hochberg - human perception, perception of the represented world
*Philip Holtzman - schizophrenia research, Harvard professor
*Rachel G. Klein - expert on childhood mental disorder
*Richard Lazarus - emotion, stress, and coping
*Sarnoff Mednick - behavioral genetics
*Donald Meichenbaum - expert in cognitive behavior therapy
*Allan F. Mirsky - neuroscientist
*Walter Mischel - social and personality psychology
*Harold Proshansky - social psychology, president of the CUNY Graduate Center
*Irvin Rock - human perception
*Sigmund Tobias - educational psychology, aptitude-treatment interaction; also published on Jewish refugee experience in World War II Shanghai [Tobias, Sigmund, Strange Haven: A Jewish Childhood in Wartime Shanghai, University of Illinois Press, 1999.]
*Jerome L. Singer - psychopathology and clinical psychology
*Hans Strupp - (attended City College but did not graduate) expert in psychotherapy research
*Lenore E. A. Walker - expert on battered women (master's degree)
*Alfred Wellner - clinical psychology, head injury

The arts

*Woody Allen attended City College for a brief period of time
*Maurice Ashley 1993 - the first black International Chess Grandmaster.
*Joshua Brand - Emmy Award-winning writer, director, and producer
*Paddy Chayevsky - famed playwright and screenwriter, wrote "Marty", "Hospital", and "Altered States"
*Madeleine Cosman - Author of medieval cookbook
*Walter R. Garcia - Guitarist and composer for the band Transit Venus and film maker
*William Gati 1981, 1982, 1984 (BS, BArch, MArch) - Architect and educator
*Ira Gershwin 1918 - American lyricist, collaborator with, and brother of George Gershwin
*William Gibson (playwright) 1938 - Playwrite, "The Miracle Worker"
*Marv Goldberg 1964 - Music historian in the field of rhythm & blues
*Hazelle Goodman 1986 - Stage, screen and TV actress
*Arthur Guiterman, humorous poet
*Luis Guzmán - actor
*E.Y. "Yip" Harburg 1918 - American lyricist ("The Wizard of Oz", "Finian's Rainbow")
*Judd Hirsch 1960 - Actor
*Stanley Kubrick 1946 - Film Director.
*Ernest Lehman 1937 (BS) - Screenwriter
*Donald Madden - Stage, television, and screen actor
*David Margulies - Actor
*Jackie Mason - Comedian and Actor
*Sterling Morrison 1970 - Musician, co-founder of "The Velvet Underground"
*Zero Mostel 1935 - Actor
*Edward G. Robinson 1914 - Actor
*Frank J. Sciame 1974- Architect
*Richard Schiff 1983 - Emmy award winning actor and a star of "The West Wing" (played Toby Ziegler; see "Fictional" below)
*Ben Shahn - artist
*Alfred Stieglitz 1884- photographer
*J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner - Forensic Psychologist/Television Personality
*Eli Wallach 1938 (MA) - actor
*Dirk Weiler, singer and actor
*Cornel Wilde 1935 - Actor

Literature and journalism

*Alan Abelson 1942 - columnist, former editor, "Barron's"
*Maurice Ashley 1988 - chess grandmaster, chess promoter, and author
*Helen Boyd 1995 - writer, speaker, and educator on gender and transgender theory
*Joe Cioffi 1982 - meteorologist, currently doing weather for WPIX-TV in New York
*Dan Daniel 1910 - dean of American sportswriters
*Reuben Fine 1932 - chess grandmaster, psychologist, and author
*Vivian Gornick - writer, memoirist, feminist, professor; author of "Fierce Attachments" (1987)
*Clyde Haberman 1966 - "New York Times" reporter and columnist
*Oscar Hijuelos 1975 - won the 1990 Pulitzer Prize for his novel "The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love"
*Irving Howe 1940 - author of "World of Our Fathers", literary critic, coined the phrase "New York Jewish Intellectual"
*Bernard Kalb 1951 - journalist and television news correspondent
*Marvin Kalb 1951 - journalist and television news correspondent
*David Karp 1948 - novelist and television writer
*Alfred Kazin - Author of "A Walker in the City", literary critic
*Jack Kroll 1937 - culture editor, "Newsweek"
*Paul Levinson - author of "The Plot to Save Socrates" and "The Silk Code" (winner, Locus Award, 1999)
*Bernard Malamud 1936 (BA) - author (won the 1967 Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award); author of "The Assistant"
*Walter Mosley 1991 (MA) - best-selling author whose novels about private eye Easy Rawlins have received Edgar and Golden Dagger Awards.
*Michael Oreskes 1975 - executive editor of "The International Herald Tribune"
*Mario Puzo - best-selling novelist, screenwriter "The Godfather"
*Ernesto Quiñonez 1996 (BA, MA) national bestselling author of "Bodega Dreams" and other titles.
*A.H. Raskin - former labor editor, "The New York Times".
*Robert Rosen 1974 - author of the best-selling biography "".
*A.M. Rosenthal 1949 - former executive editor of "The New York Times".
*Henry Roth - novelist, author of "Call It Sleep"
*Robert Scheer - journalist
*Daniel Schorr - journalist, veteran newscaster and commentator for CBS, CNN, and NPR
*Stephen Shepard 1961 - editor in chief, "Business Week"
*Anatole Shub - editor and journalist specializing in Eastern European matters.
*Upton Sinclair 1897 (BA) - author ("The Jungle")
*Robert Sobel - 1951 (BSS), 1952 (MA) - best-selling author of business histories.
*Gary Weiss 1975 - Investigative journalist, author
*Barry Wilner 1973 - Sports Writer (NFL, Olympic Sports) for the Associated Press. 2002 AP Sports Editor Awards for Deadline Writing and Story of the Year. 8-Time Richard Dreyfuss Look-A-Like Contest Winner (2000-2008)

cience and technology

*Julius Blank - engineer, member of the Traitorous Eight that founded Silicon Valley
*Charles DeLisi 1963 (BA) - scientist, "Father of the Human Genome Project"
*Adin Falkoff - engineer, computer scientist, co-inventor of the APL language interactive system
*Jeffrey Flier 1969 - dean, Harvard Medical School
*Wolcott Gibbs - distinguished chemistry professor at the Free Academy
*George Washington Goethals 1887 - civil engineer, supervised the construction and opening of the Panama Canal
*Dan Goldin - served as the 9th and longest-tenured administrator of NASA.
*Andrew S. Grove 1960 - ChE. Founder and Former Chairman of Intel Corp. Dr. Grove donated $26 Million, the largest gift ever received by the City College of New York.
*Herman Hollerith - early computer pioneer, invented Key punch
*Robert E. Kahn - Internet pioneer, co-inventor of the TCP/IP protocol, co-recipient of the Turing Award in 2004
*Michio Kaku - CCNY professor; theoretical physicist and co-founder of string field theory
*Gary A. Klein 1964 - research psychologist, known for pioneering the field of naturalistic decision making
*Leonard Kleinrock 1957 - Internet pioneer
*Solomon Kullback - Mathematician; NSA cryptology pioneer
* Arthur J. Levenson - Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army, National Security Agency official, cryptographer, mathematician [Schudel, Matt, [ Arthur J. Levenson Obituary in the Washington Post] - Wednesday, September 5, 2007] [ [ Arthur J. Levenson Biography] - Arlington National Cemetery]
*Michael A. Liguori 1979 - listed among the New York area's 100 best primary care doctors by "New York Magazine"
*Albert Medwin 1949 BSEE - engineer and inventor, developed CMOS integrated circuit technology
*Lewis Mumford - historian of technology; author of "The City in History"
*Charles Lane Poor - noted astronomer
*Jacob Rabinow - an engineer and an inventor. He earned a total of 230 U.S. patents on a variety of mechanical, optical and electrical devices. Mainly in defense systems, and eventually became Chief of the Electro-Mechanical Ordnance Division at NBS. Scientific achievements: Among them are the President's Certificate of Merit (1948), the Industrial R&D Scientist of the Year Award (1960), the IEEE's Harry Diamond Award (1977), and the Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award (1998). He published his book, Inventing for Fun and Profit, in 1989
*Howard Rosenblum 1950 BSEE - NSA Engineer; developer of the STU (Secure Telephone Unit)
*Mario Runco Jr. 1974 - astronaut.
*Jonas Salk 1934 - inventor of the Salk vaccine (see polio vaccine)
*Philip H. Sechzer 1934 - anesthesiologist, pioneer in pain management; inventor of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
*Abraham Sinkov - Mathematician; NSA (National Security Agency) cryptology pioneer
*David B. Steinman 1906 - engineer; bridge designer (Class 1906)
*Leonard Susskind 1962 - physicist, string theory
* Milton Zaslow 1942 - cryptologist, ranking National Security Administration (NSA) official [ [ Milton Zaslow page at the National Security Administration] ]
* Benjamin W. Zweifach 1931 - Professor Emeritus Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego [ [ Benjamin W. Zweifach page] - Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego]


*Melvin Simon 1949- real estate developer, co-founder of Simon Property Group.
*Jonathan Better 1949 - real estate investor
*Robert Catell 1958 - CEO of KeySpan
*Andrew Grove 1960 - 4th employee of Intel, and eventually its president, CEO, and chairman, and "Time" magazine's Man of the Year in 1997, who donated $26,000,000 to CCNY's Grove School of Engineering in 2006
*Stanley H. Kaplan 1939 - founded Kaplan Educational Services
*Jack Rudin 1941 - real estate developer
*Bernard Spitzer 1943 - real estate developer
*Linda Kaplan Thaler 1972, the CEO of the fastest growing ad agency in New York, brought us the Aflac Duck


*Benny Friedman - outstanding quarterback at the University of Michigan and superb NFL player, coached the CCNY football team from 1935 to 1941
*Red Holzman 1942 - All-American guard at CCNY, legendary basketball coach for the New York Knicks. [Berkow, Ira. [ "Red Holzman, Hall of Fame Coach, Dies at 78"] , "The New York Times", November 15, 1998. Accessed September 15, 2008.]
*Harold Goldsmith 1952 - a foil and épée fencer, won the 1952 NCAA foil championship, competed in three Olympiads for the US, won 2 Pan American Games gold medals and 2 silver medals
*Henry Wittenberg - Olympic wrestler, won gold medal at 1948 Olympics and silver medal in 1952
*Ed Warner - player involved in the CCNY basketball scandal []
*Ed Roman - player involved in the CCNY basketball scandal []
*Floyd Layne - player involved in the CCNY basketball scandal [] ; later coached the CCNY men's basketball team
* Al Roth - player involved in the CCNY basketball scandal []


*Lennie Briscoe - character from the TV show "Law & Order"
* Brian Flanagan - character from the 1988 film "Cocktail (film)"
* Sam Posner - character from the 1988 film "Crossing Delancey"
*Gordon Gekko - character from the 1987 film "Wall Street (film)"
* Toby Ziegler - character from the TV show "The West Wing"
* Nancy - character from the 1971 film "Bananas (film)"

Prestigious Scholarships

Rhodes Scholars
*James T. Molloy 1939
*Lev A. Sviridov 2005

Fulbright Scholars
*Vera Grant 1995
*Vivian Ka 2000
*Jessica Tibbets 2007
*Corey E. Sullivan (MA) 2008

Goldwater Scholars
*Lev A. Sviridov 2004
*Philipa A. Njau 2005
*David L. Bauer 2007
*Itamar M. Belisha 2007

Truman Scholars
*Charles Claudio Simpkins 2005
*David L. Bauer 2008


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