

Among the oldest and most prominent tribal leaders in the Arabian peninsula, the Sudairy were considered nobility until their stature was heightened by intermarriage with the ruling Al Saud family. Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud had several wives who were from different wings of the Sudairy family, cementing their political bond and reinforcing his claim to the throne. Ibn Saud's sons & grandsons have followed this tradition with many of them marrying into the extended Sudairy family.

The Al Sudairy Clan ( _ar. عشيرة السديري), refers to a group formerly known as the Sudairy Seven (also spelled Sudeiri Seven, Sudayri Seven, and sometimes "Sudairi Seven" and often referred to as Al Fahd, are seven full brothers, all sons of Ibn Saud and "Hassa bint Ahmad Al Sudairy". They include:

* King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud (born 1921), the fifth monarch of Saudi Arabia from June 13, 1982 - August 1, 2005
* Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz (born 1926), Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister (since 1962), and Crown Prince (since August 1, 2005)
* Prince Abd al-Rahman bin Abdul Aziz (born 1931), Vice Minister of Defense
* Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz (born 1934), Interior Minister since 1975
* Prince Turki bin Abdulaziz (born 1934)
* Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz (born 1936), Governor of Riyadh
* Prince Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz (born 1940), Vice Minister of Interior

Since Fahd's ascent to the throne in 1982, they have become the most powerful alliance within the ruling Saudi royal family. On August 1, 2005 it was announced that King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz had died. With his passing the Sudairy Seven became the Sudairy Six. The position of King then went to former crown prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (who is not a part of the Sudairy Seven, having been born of a different mother). King Abdullah selected his half-brother, Prince Sultan, as his crown prince. There is much speculation who will be third in line for the throne, with many believing that Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz among the likely candidates.

ee also

*Saudi Arabia

External links

* [ An overview of the Al Sudairi Clan from]

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