Abd al-Rahman bin Abdul Aziz

Abd al-Rahman bin Abdul Aziz

Abdulrahman bin Abdul Aziz (* 1931) is Saudi Arabia's Vice Minister of Defence & Aviation and a member of the Sudairi Seven faction of the Al Saud.

The first of Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud's sons to study in the West, Prince Abdulrahman, was a successful businessman with a wide range of investments before he replaced his politically faltering full brother, Turki bin Abdul Aziz, in 1978, as the Kingdom's Vice Minister of Defence. His position has belied the true extent of his power and influence, primarily as his public image has always deferred to, and been supportive of, his older, full brothers, the late King Fahd and Crown Prince Sultan. Abdulrahman has also been a key component in maintaining the Sudairi image of unity by ensuring that the brothers, and their respective sons, express their support for each other by both their words and actions. In the Saudi Arabia's political landscape, Prince Abdulrahman is among the most important decision makers within the Al Saud's ruling hiererchy.

Abdulrahman is a key, and active, senior member of the Al Saud and has, for the moment, deferred attempts by others, most notably Interior Minister, Prince Nayef, to circumvent his rights as the sixth oldest surviving son of Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, and his standing as second in the Kingdom's line of succession to the throne.

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