In bats, the skin forming the surface of the wing. It is an extension of the skin of the abdomen that runs to the tip of each digit, uniting the forelimb with the body.
The patagium of a bat has four distinct parts:
Propatagium: the patagium present from the neck to the first digit.
Dactylopatagium: the portion found within the digits.
Plagiopatagium: the portion found between the last digit and the hindlimbs.
Uropatagium: the anterior portion of the body between the two hindlimbs.
In the extinct flying pterosaurs, also the skin forming the surface of the wing. In these creatures the skin was extended to the tip of the very long fourth finger of each hand.
Propatagium: the patagium present from the shoulder to the wrist.
Brachiopatagium: the portion stretching from the fourth finger to the hindlimbs.
Uropatagium or cruropatagium: the anterior portion between the two hindlimbs, depending on whether it did or did not include the tail.
In gliding species, such as some lizards, rodents and other mammals, the flat parachute-like extension of skin that catches the air, allowing them to glide.
In some lepidopterans, one of a pair of small sensory organs situated at the bases of the anterior wings.
In birds, the fold of skin extending from the humerus to the carpal joint, making up the leading edge of the wing.
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PATAGIUM — memoratum Plauto Epidic. Act. 2. Sc. 2. v. 46. ubi muliebris luxus censuram facunde agit Senex Comicus, cum inter alia recenset, Tunicam vallam, tunicam spissam, linteolum caesitium, Indusiatam, patagiatam, caltulam etc. Nonius interpretatur… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
patagium — ● patagium nom masculin (latin patagium, frange) Membrane latérale continue reliant le cou aux membres et à la queue de certains animaux et permettant le vol plané (écureuils, marsupiaux volants) ou battu (ptérosaures, chauves souris) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Patagium — Pa*ta gi*um, n.; pl. {Patagia}. [L., an edge or border.] 1. (Anat.) In bats, an expansion of the integument uniting the fore limb with the body and extending between the elongated fingers to form the wing; in birds, the similar fold of integument … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Patagĭum — Patagĭum, soviel wie Flughaut (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Patagium — [lateinisch] das, s/|en, die Flughaut der Wirbeltiere … Universal-Lexikon
patagium — [pə tā′jē əm] n. pl. patagia [pə tā′jēə] [ModL < L, gold edging of a tunic, border < Gr patageion < patagein, to rustle] 1. a fold of skin between the fore and hind limbs of bats, flying squirrels, etc., enabling them to fly or glide… … English World dictionary
Patagium — Der Flügel der ausgestorbenen Flugsaurier (1) und der Fledertiere (2) wird von einer Membran gebildet. Er ist funktional analog zum Vogelflügel (3), der aus Federn besteht. Als Flughaut (Patagium), auch Flug oder Gleitmembran wird eine als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
patagium — n.; pl. patagia [L. patagium, border] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) 1. In Lepidoptera, a pair of articulated, thin, lobelike erectile expansions (overlapping plates) of the prothorax. 2. For Culicidae, see antepronotum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
patagium — /peuh tay jee euhm/, n., pl. patagia / jee euh/. 1. a wing membrane, as of a bat. 2. the extensible fold of skin of certain insects or of a gliding mammal or reptile, as a flying squirrel. 3. either of two small processes on the anterior thorax,… … Universalium
Patagium — Pa|ta|gi|um das; s, ...ien [...i̯ən] <aus lat. patagium »Borte«> die Flughaut der Wirbeltiere (z. B. der Fledermäuse; Biol.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch