

Krivošije is a Serbian clan and a high plateau on the eastern branches of Mount Orjen (1894 m) in Montenegro, near Kotor. A significant geological/geomorphological feature of the Krivošije region are the glacial deposits distributed across the whole of the plateau. They were deposited by valley glaciers coming from Orjen during the Ice age.

Krivošije is the region with the greatest rainfall in Europe.

Although Krivošije had been under Austro-Hungarian control as part of the Illyrian Provinces since the Congress of Vienna in 1814, in 1869 an uprising of the local Orthodox Serbian population defeated an expedition force of the powerful Austro-Hungarian army that was attempting to enforce compulsory military service. Austria-Hungary abandoned its efforts but returned in 1881, defeating the rebels. Austria-Hungary immediately began to pacify the region with heavy investment in tremendous fortifications that would make the military harbour in the gulf safe from Montenegrin and Russian aspirations.

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