List of Requiem to a Sanctuary characters

List of Requiem to a Sanctuary characters

This is a list of characters in Requiem to a Sanctuary.

Main characters

One of the main characters and the reincarnation of Lilith. Ko has an abusive childhood known to only to her best friend Tsuji Makato. Her mother died when she was five years old and her alcoholic father remarried a drug addict. She is track star and has a sweet childish voice that pleases many. Ko is the center of much unwanted attention among boys, and even though she might seem popular she is really given the cold shoulder by many of her fellow female classmates. She is somewhere around 5'2, and weighs around 86 lbs. She has abnormally long red hair that has small strands tied back, along with eyes that switch between green and black. Through the story she is either mentally paired or physically paired with every male character at some point in time. Ko's personality and the personality of past Lilith cause conflict seeing as she is less confrontational and less socially withdrawn than Lilith. Ko has dark powers guided by black blobby figures called Kuronii or Black brother. Kinzoku is the older brother of Ko, although there is sexual tension between the two.

One of the main characters and the reincarnation of Senoy. Senoy was one of the angels sent to bring Lilith back to the garden of Eden, she was said to control the elemental reference known as air. Tsuji is a ballet dancer, gymnast, and is also a thirteen year old in first year high school. She is highly intelligent, and is has a sharp sarcastic put you in your place type of speech. Tsuji's father is often away on business, her mother is abroad most of the time, and her older brother is away at Tokyo college. Tsuji gives off the rich girl vibe, and it is true that she is one. She is 4'5, and weighs 71 lbs. Her hair is in two short-high blonde odangos on either side of her head, and she has golden brown eyes. Tsuji often has servants attending to her every whim during classes. She has known Ko for four years and knows of her parental abuse. Tsuji recalls always having Senoy's memories, and it is part of the reason she is Ko's friend. Tsuji controls the weather, and has a small domination over Nana. Most like to pair her up with Kinzoku, or even some other stretches to Ko.

One of the main characters and the reincarnation of Asmodai. Asmodai was the past lover of Lilith and the demon king. Asmodai was said to control the elemental reference known as fire. Kinzoku is the older brother of Ko, although their relationship is a difficult one. Ever since they were children Kinzoku has been in love with his sister and has wanted to marry her. In more than one occasion he has watched her sleep and even kissed her in her sleep. Kinzoku gets into many fights because of Ko, although she doesn't completely return his feelings. He is 5'9 and weighs 125 lbs. He has orange-red hair spiked hair, and hardly smiles at anyone other than his sister. Kinzoku plays the piano, and vows to be with his sister no matter what. He is sort of the villain of the series, although in everyday life he is a good person. Kinzoku's life is interfered in most by the past, seeing as Asmodai causes a personality change from Kinzoku to Asmodai as two separate beings.

One of the main characters and the reincarnation of Sansenoy. Sansenoy was one of the angels sent to bring Lilith back to the garden of Eden, he was said to control the elemental reference of water. Nana is the most eccentric, and hyper girl in Ko's class. She loves sweets, and anything adorable. Nana has an obsession with animal crossed people, and she covers her ears with her hair as she wears white cat ears on her head. She is rather clueless with common sense but with word riddles and tongue twisters she excels. Nana is 5'0 and weighs 84 lbs. Her features reflect her personality heavily in contrast. She has medium length sugary pink hair that curls at the ends, and covers much of her face. Nana wears a modified version of the school uniform, as she has changed the colors of the outfit. She has a twin named Hana who shuns her sister from her, since she isn't in the same social group. Nana speaks in a childish way (third person) and often says "Nya". The oddest thing about Nana is that she often seems attracted to Ko but it is explained as Sansenoy was a male angel who had sinful thoughts of Lilith.

One of the main characters and the reincarnation of Semangelof. Semangelof was one of the angels sent to bring Lilith back to the garden of Eden, She was said to control the elemental reference of Earth. Jin is a huge flirt and is known as the girlie boy in Ko's class. He very frequently invades others personal space, also teases people about love situations. Jin has flirted with Ko, Kinzoku, and Kyo directly but Nana indirectly. Tsuji miraculously is the only living human being that he doesn't hit on, and sometimes people say this is because he is truly in love with her. Jin is later found out to be a male prostitute against his will by his mother and stepmother. Tsuji offers Jin a place to stay so he can leave his mother and stepmother, and after some coaxing he agrees. He currently lives as a guest in Tsuji's large home, and has made a good friend of her puppy Moui. Jin is 5'4 and weighs 110 lbs, he has light blue-white hair the bangs of which cover his left eye which is one of two that are cold blue. There are controversies over weather Jin is straight, gay, or bisexual.

One of the main characters and the reincarnation of Adam. Adam-The first human/Man/Etc. but he was also the husband of not just Eve but Lilith as well. Although Adam never showed his true feelings with Lilith he mourned when she left him, and still did so after he had Eve. He believed it was his faults of needing superiority that made her leave, and so he regretted it heavily. Kyo isn't much like Adam other than they both place heavy emotion on themselves when doing wrong to another, although Kyo sometimes laughs in certain situations regarding it. He somehow says something funny in less than a full sentence, and has an odd way of making people fall in love with him easily. Kyo never holds back on his opinion and persists on it when he thinks he is right. He is 5'4 and weighs 108 lbs. His hair is a limp style colored black with the right side sticking up into a few spikes, and his eyes are a watery red color. Kyo has his own little fan club organized by five girls, and consist of most of the girls in the school. Like Ko he doesn't have an elemental based power but bright white lights called Shironee or White sister.

upporting characters


A female demon with bright pink hair spiked up in the back in a ponytail fashion. She is one of the underlings of Asmodai, and is figured to be the least powerful one. Her personality is kind compared to the rest of the underlings. She treats Asmodai more as an older brother or a son rather than a prospect lover unlike the others. She is the second oldest among Murasaki, herself, Aoi, and Midoriiro. She wears pink eye shadow over magenta eyes, and has a pink circular gem in the middle of her forehead. Piku's outfit is a large pink and yellow kimono, that has birds drawn on the fabric. Her weight is 109 lbs and her height is 5' 3", Making her the heaviest among the female characters, but not the tallest. She keeps track of what goes on around the castle, and the outside world rather than fight.


A female demon with long beautiful purple hair that is always kept down. She is an underling of Asmodai, and thought to be the second powerful one after Aoi. Her personality is mature and always seductive in her ways of speaking. She thinks of Asmodai's love as a conquest and not as a man of true love. She is the oldest underling among them all, and it is shown in her personality. She has a thin layer of purple eye shadow over purple eyes, and a purple circular gem in between her eyes. She wears a short purple and blue-violet kimono that stops at the middle of her thighs. Before saying anything else she responds with "How may I be of service?". Her weight is 97 lbs, and her height is 5'6", Making her the tallest among the female characters. At the end of chapter 15 in volume 3 she is sent to the main cast's school in disguise as a new teacher.


A female demon with aqua colored hair that is left down with the exception of two pieces of hair tied up by pink bows on each side of her head. She is an underling of Asmodai, and is thought to be the most powerful one. Her personality is very childish, throwing tantrums and arguing with everyone save Asmodai. She thinks of Asmodai as an older brother all him 'Nii-chan' although she too is in love with him giving off more incest vibe in the storyline. Aoi is the youngest underling and just like Murasakaki she shows it in her personality. She wears no eye shadow unlike the other underlings, and wears no makeup whatsoever. Aoi wears frilly dresses, and carries around a teddy bear that has a circular blue gem on its stomach. No one else can hold the teddy bear besides Aoi, Piku and Murasaki both tried and were electrocuted by it. Before saying anything else she asks "May I sign you a song?", Aoi can not sing to save her life and often makes things crack open while trying to do so. Her weight is 53 lbs, and her height is 3'7". Aoi is always surrounded by people she brainwashed from the world that she has put into a zombie state of mind, she calls them her 'Okasan'.


A female demon with shoulder length green hair. She is the underling of Asmodai, and the third most powerful one. Her personality is quiet, and obeys anything that Asmodai tells her to do. Midoriiro wears heavy dark green eye shadow over dark green eyes, and has three small dark green circular gems on her forehead going straight across. Her outfit of choice is a Light green and dark green kimono thats is fairly tight on her body. She never smiles and has a habit of saying 'Nande' at the end of every sentence. Her weight is 91 lbs, and her height is 5'4". She is very sadistic and negative towards everything. She follows Asmodai because of him being the only person to tell her what to do. When Murasaki started impersonating the school teacher, Midoriiro took over the school nurse's body.


Howaito and her twin sister Burakku are accomplices of Asmodai, and not his underlings. Asmodai seems to like her and her sister the most out of all of the followers. Her personality is mean and upfront to everyone including Asmodai. She has long white hair that touches the ground along with white eyes. She wears a loose fitting white nightgown over a 72 lbs 5'7" figure. She is a very tiny looking woman with a beautiful face. When Murasaki and Mimoriiro impersonated staff, she is sent to the school as an exchange student by the name of Sakura Mitsuno. Howaito is the third strongest demon found in the underworld. It should be noted that her entire appearance save her body shape and eye color change when she impersonated Sakura.


Burakku and her twin sister Howaito are accomplices of Asmodai, and not his underlings. Asmodai seems to like her and her sister the most out of all of the followers. Her personality is calm and collected, more often than not she must cal her sister down. Burakku is the older twin of the two sisters. She has long black hair that touches the ground, along with white eyes. She wears a loose fitting white nightgown over a 73 lbs 5'7" figure. She is a very tiny looking woman with a disturbed beauty face. When Murasaki and Mimoriiro impersonated staff, she is sent to the school as an exchange student by the name of Kana Mitsuno. Howaito is the second strongest demon found in the underworld. It should be noted that her entire appearance save her body shape and eye color change when she impersonated Kana.


Asmodai is the reincarnation of the demon king inside Kinzoku Fukurou. This side of Kinzoku is usually hidden in shadow surrounded by the twins. ~See Kinzoku for other details~


Kami is seen once every mange volume, not as a person but as a voice coming from a cloud. He is the series equivalent of god, and often pushes for the end to come. It is often noted that he is the only person Asmodai is afraid of.

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