Ali Ansari

Ali Ansari

Professor Ali M. Ansari is one of the world's leading experts on Iran and its history.Fact|date=May 2008 He teaches at St. Andrews University in Scotland, where he also founded the Insitute for Iranian Studies. He was awarded his B.A. and Ph.D. from the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). [cite web |url= |title=Sixth Biennial Conference of Iranian Studies |publisher=Iran Heritage Foundation |accessdate=2008-05-02] Following stints as a lecturer at Durham University, where he was involved with the Centre for Iranian Studies, and Exeter University, he moved to St. Andrews where he is Professor of Iranian History, specifically of Iran and the Middle East.cite web |url= |title=Professor Ali M Ansari |publisher=Institute for Iranian Studies, St Andrews |accessdate=2008-05-02]

His books include: "Iran, Islam and Democracy: the Politics of Managing Change", "Modern Iran Since 1921: the Pahlavis and After", and "Confronting Iran: The Failure of American Foreign Policy and the Roots of Mistrust". He has also written for "The Guardian", [cite web |url= |title=Only the US hawks can save the Iranian president now |work=The Guardian |date=January 30 2007 |author=Ali M. Ansari |accessdate=2008-05-02] "The Independent", [cite web |url= |title=They are marching as to war |work=The Independent |date=15 January 2006 |author=Ali M. Ansari |accessdate=2008-05-02] and the "New Statesman", [cite web |url= |title=Dictators: Reform and the mullahs |work=New Statesman |date=04 September 2006 |author=Ali M. Ansari |accessdate=2008-05-02] among others.

In addition to his dual role at St. Andrews University, as both lecturer and director of the Institute for Iranian Studies, he is also an Associate Fellow at Chatham House and sits on the Governing Council of the British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS). He is a regular speaker at conferences and events regarding Iran, including "Iran's New Parliament" at the New America Foundation [cite web |url= |title=Iran's New Parliament |publisher=New America Foundation |accessdate=2008-05-02] .


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