CIA activities in Asia and the Pacific — Main article: Central Intelligence Agency This article deals with activities of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in the Asia/Pacific geopolitical area.[1] In this region, East Asia, Central Asia (except Afghanistan), Southeast Asia (but not… … Wikipedia
CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia — The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency conducts activities in the areas commonly called the Middle East , or more precisely, North Africa, the Near/Middle East, and South and Southwest Asia. Contents 1 North Africa 1.1 1966 National Intelligence… … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Iraq — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia U.S. support of various Iraqi regimes was predicated upon the notion that Iraq was a key buffer state in geopolitical relations with the Soviet Union. A US… … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Iran — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia Contents 1 1952 2 1953 3 1957 4 1975 … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Afghanistan — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia See also: Civil war in Afghanistan, War in Afghanistan (disambiguation), and Inter Services Intelligence#Afghanistan Undated See also: CIA transnational… … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Pakistan — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia See also: Drone attacks in Pakistan The following is a list of alleged CIA activities in Pakistan. Contents 1 Pakistan 1965 2 Pakistan 1979 3 … Wikipedia
CIA activities in India — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia India has conflicts with several of its neighbors: Pakistan, China, and Sri Lanka. The situation in Sri Lanka pits a Sinhalese majority population, against the… … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Israel — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia Contents 1 Israel 1974 1.1 Israel 1983 1.2 Israel 1985 2 References … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Morocco — Main article: CIA activities in the Near East, North Africa, South and Southwest Asia Contents 1 Morocco 1966 1.1 Intelligence analysis 1.2 Morocco 1972 1.2.1 … Wikipedia
CIA activities in Turkey — Throughout the Cold War, the U.S. conducted operations focused on subverting communism in Turkey, executed chiefly through Operation Gladio s Turkish extension, the Counter Guerrilla. Here CIA is used to denote the entire U.S. Intelligence… … Wikipedia