Christ the Saviour Monastery

Christ the Saviour Monastery

Christ the Saviour Monastery (or Christminster) is a Benedictine monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. The monastery is an institution of Western Rite Orthodoxy.

Founded in 1993 in Rhode Island [1], Christminster moved to Hamilton, Ontario, in 2008, incorporating the Oratory of Our Lady of Glastonbury as its monastery chapel. The Oratory had previously been a mission of the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America but since October 2007 been a part of ROCOR.

The monastery celebrates a daily round of services in the Oratory, including Sung Mass on Sunday mornings and Vespers and Benediction on Sunday evenings. The Mass is the Divine Liturgy of St Gregory, which is based on the Pre-Tridentine Mass.

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