- Green Methanol Synthesis
Green-Methanol Synthesis or Green-Methanol is entirely developed from renewable sources of energy.
Methanol made from this process would predominately synthesize from the following reaction:
:CO2 + 3 H2 → CH3OH + H2OHow this differs from traditional methanol synthesis processes is what makes this process green. Hydrogen gas must be collected from the dissociation of water. Theelectrolysis of water must in turn be powered by a renewable source of electricity (wind,biomass , solar). The carbon-dioxide in turn can be culled from industries which already output copious amounts of the gas; thereby, preventing the gas from entering the atmosphere.History
Driving Force
The driving force behind the development of Green Methanol is many fold. Currently developed nations depend heavily on
hydrocarbons for energy. Oil derivatives lead to gasoline which is the predominant fuel for vehicular travel. Because of the finite nature of this substance, it's value is appreciating as its use is increasing.Green Methanol is a fuel that can foster a nation's independence (rather than relying on imports from other nations).
Production Costs
Opposition to the Hydrogen Economy
The methanol economy based on the green-methanol synthesis process has been suggested as an alternative to the hydrogen economy. Because methanol can be infused into the current fuel infrastructure gains can be made immediately. Neither the infrastructure nor the technology exist to construct the hydrogen economy. Methanol, while having approximately half the energy density of gasoline by volume, has an
octane rating of 113. Mixing 10% methanol with 90% gasoline with a rating of 90 octane will yield a blended octane value (BOV) of 130. Studies have shown that blends of up to 20% yield increased fuel economy; actual gains depend on vehicle type.The more renewable sources of electricity supplants current fossil fuel sources of electricity the cleaner methanol production will become. Methanol, the so-called transition fuel, can allow an easy transition from fossil fuel dependency to a pure renewable energy dependency. As the full electrical production in a nation nears the status of being derived completely from renewable electricity, the need for methanol could be altogether supplanted.
At this point, there would have never been a need for a hydrogen economy.
ee also
Methanol fuel
* CO2 Reuse
*Methanol economy
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.