Dunedin Public Libraries

Dunedin Public Libraries
Dunedin Public Libraries
Kete Wānaka O Ōtepoti(Māori)
Dunedin Public Libraries logo.jpg
Established 1908
Location Dunedin, New Zealand
Coordinates 45°5222S 170°3013E / 45.872886°S 170.503526°E / -45.872886; 170.503526Coordinates: 45°5222S 170°3013E / 45.872886°S 170.503526°E / -45.872886; 170.503526 (City library)
Branches 5 + 2 mobile
Size 700,000 items
Website www.dunedinlibraries.govt.nz

Dunedin Public Libraries is a network of five libraries and two bookbuses in Dunedin, New Zealand, owned and operated by the Dunedin City Council. The libraries collection includes over 700,000 items, and around 30,000 books and audiovisual items plus 15,000 magazines are added each year.[1] Members can borrow or return items from any library or bookbuses in the network.



City Library

City Library looking southeast
City Library looking southwest

Dunedin's first Free Public Library opened on 2 December 1908, funded by a ₤10,000 grant from American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.[2] Situated at 110 Moray Place, the library offered a reference service only.

In 1910 a Childrens Reading Room opened and then the Childrens lending Library. In 1911 lending services began for adults. In 1913, Dr. Robert McNab presented his collection of 4,200 volumes of early voyages and New Zealand history to the library, which later became the basis of the McNab New Zealand collection.

Other major donations were the Walt Whitman Collection (Mrs. J. W. Stewart) in 1927 and the Alfred and Isabel Reed Collection including Mediaeval manuscripts, incunabula, Bibles, early printing and later manuscripts, Dickens and Johnston works, in 1947.

In 1936 the Library adopted its rental policy, whereby certain items would no longer be free. This included popular works of fiction, as well as certain magazine titles. The Library's first hospital service was started in 1938. 1950 saw more expanded services offered, with the addition of a Bookbus service and the unveiling of its Gramophone collection. Today this collection has been expanded to include DVDs, Videos, CDs, and other Audio Visual Items.

In 1969 the first Housebound Readers Service was opened. In 1976 a second Bookbus was added, and the Children's Library had its very own card catalogue. Further children's services were offered in the following years, including Get Well bags in 1979.

The Dunedin Public Library moved to its present site at 230 Moray Place in 1981. In 1982 the automated circulation system was installed. The first fully computerised Library Management System was started in 1993. The Taiehu Collection of Maoritanga was launched in 1986. Taiehu was a Maori chief who brought one of the first canoes to New Zealand.

With local authority amalgamation in 1989, the Dunedin Public Library became part of the Dunedin Public Libraries network. Two new Bookbuses were purchased in 1991 and the service was expanded to cover around 50 locations.

In 1998 a major redevelopment of the Library was undertaken, with all the adult non-fiction lending collections combined, the opening up of three adult stack areas for improved public access to the collections, and the creation of a greatly expanded Audio-Visual area to reflect the increased use of these collections.

Key events that have taken place include:

  • 1908 The Library opened its doors to the public on 2 December. The Librarian was Scottish-born William Barker McEwan.
  • 1910 The Childrens Reading Room opened, providing both reference and lending services to children aged 10 and over. The age limit would subsequently be lowered.
  • 1911 The Lending Library for adults opened (so children were able to borrow books before this privilege was extended to adults).
  • 1913 Robert McNab offered his library to the City. At that time the collection amounted to 4200 items. Careful development has seen it grow to over 92,000.
  • 1919 All but two of the staff were laid low with influenza, and the Library was closed for a month.
  • 1933 Archie Dunningham became City Librarian.
  • 1936 Dorothy Neal, later Dorothy Neal White and later still Dorothy Neal White Ballantyne, became Childrens Librarian. She would become one of New Zealands greatest-ever childrens librarians and advocates for childrens books. Also in that year the free/rental policy (which still persists) was introduced, the Library Bindery was established, and the collection of sheet music began.
  • 1938 The Hospital Library Service began at the Public Hospital.
  • 1939 The framed pictures lending service began, and the Childrens Library moved to the Club House building in Moray Place.
  • 1946 The Childrens Library was relocated to Stuart Street.
  • 1947 The Alfred and Isabel Reed Collection was gifted to the City.
  • 1950 The Book Bus service began.
  • 1960 Ada Fache became City Librarian.
  • 1968 Mary Ronnie became City Librarian.
  • 1969 The House-bound Readersservice began.
  • 1976 Michael Wooliscroft became City Librarian.
  • 1981 The present Library building opened.
  • 1987 Norah Familton became City Librarian.
  • 1989 Allison Dobbie became City Librarian, the Colin McCahon painting Otago Peninsula was bequeathed to the Library, and local body amalgamation brought the Mosgiel, Port Chalmers, Blueskin Bay, and Waikouaiti Libraries into the Dunedin Public Libraries network.
  • 1993 The present Dynix automated library system was introduced.
  • 2001 The LearnIT Centre, offering free Internet access, was opened.
  • 2002 Bernie Hawke became City Librarian.
  • 2006 The new Reed Gallery opened on the third floor.
  • 2008 We celebrate our Centenary, and look forward to another century of progress and service to the people of Dunedin!
  • 2010 The Children's Library celebrates its centenary.

Mosgiel Library

From as long ago as 1881 Mosgiel has had a functioning library. Nevertheless it was only in 1959 that the Mosgiel Public Library was officially opened, in the Electrical Refrigeration premises. Since then, the library has relocated twicefirstly to Souters Exchange building, and in 1979 to its present site on Hartstonge Ave.

In 1989, Mosgiel Borough was amalgamated with Dunedin City, St Kilda Borough, Green Island Borough and Silverpeaks County. The Mosgiel Public Library became part of the Dunedin Public Libraries network, opening up access to items held by all the libraries involved. This access was further enhanced with the introduction of a computerised system in 1993.

In 1999 the library took over responsibility for the Dunedin City Council Service Centre, ensuring that a DCC Customer Services presence stayed in the community.

Port Chalmers Library

The Port Chalmers Municipal Building

Port Chalmers Mechanics Institute started in 1864, and became the Port Chalmers Public Library under the direct control of the Borough Council in 1943. The library was eventually housed in the Municipal Building. In 1989 the library joined the Dunedin Public Libraries network as a result of local authority amalgamation.

In 2004 the Port Chalmers Library and Service Centre was completely refurbished by the Dunedin City Council. Extensive consultation with the Historic Places Trust meant the historic facade and many interesting internal features were retained. A number of art works have been added to the library collection, including some by Ralph Hotere, David Elliot, Robyn Belton, and Pamela Brown.

Waikouaiti Library

The Waikouaiti Library was founded in 1862 by the Rev A Fenton and Miss Emily Orbell and began with 100 books half of them given by Mr Fenton. They were housed in the school room in Beach Street. Fenton's successor the Rev A Dasent took charge in 1863 and was Chairman of the library committee for 11 years. The Library moved to Mechanics' Hall in 1875 and from that time a committee of seven was elected annually by the subscribers and the subscription was lowered from one pound to ten shillings.

In 1905 a new book room 24 feet by 9 feet was built as a connection between the librarian's cottage and the hall on the north side. By 1913 there were 107 subscribers and over 3000 books. In the late nineteen sixties the County Council took over responsibility for the Hall and the Library. The committee continued to meet until 1974 as a County Council committee, and then the Library was quite on its own. It was visibly separated from the Hall also, because in that year the books were moved across the street to the RSA Community Centre, while the former library buildings were replaced by a chemist's shop, doctors rooms, and meeting rooms.

From around 2000 issues a year in 1970 numbers were up to 22,000 by May 1988. Unfortunately the building soon began to need frequent maintenance and it was obvious it was not a suitable place for a library which was expanding dramatically now that Waikouaiti was part of Dunedin City. With amalgamation the Library became part of the Dunedin Public Libraries network in 1989. The Community Centre was demolished and a new Waikouaiti Library was built in the last weeks of 1995.[3]

Blueskin Bay Library

Blueskin Bay Library opened in the school house in 1871. It moved to a separate building in 1903 and to the public hall in 1972. Both Waitati and Waikouaiti Libraries were administered by Silverpeaks County prior to local government amalgamation in 1989. Blueskin Bay Library was constructed in 1992 as an extension to the Waitati Hall.


The PQ bookbus on Portobello Road in 2010

The Library Committee bought a passenger bus in 1949 and equipped it for use as a traveling library. The first distribution of books was made on 17 April 1950. In 1991 two new Isuzu F-Series trucks were commissioned as bookbuses. They are painted with colourful scenes, one featuring penguins and the countryside, the other a cityscape. The two bookbuses currently visit customers in 51 locations throughout the city offering fiction, non-fiction and reference books for children and adults, large print, talking books, audio-visual material (on request) and magazines. The buses are connected to online services.


Centenary Celebrations

DPL Centennial Logo

2008 marked Dunedin Public Libraries centenary. Celebrations were held between October & December 2008.

Centenary Events

A number of events were held and included:

  • Writing Workshops for Adults & Children
  • Follow the Reader - Guided walks that looked at Dunedin's Literary History.
  • How we began: the first six years of the Dunedin Public Library - Reed Gallery Exhibition which ran until the end of 2008.
  • Blokes in Libraries - Male staff spoke their experiences working in the Library.
  • Books Roadshow - A popular 'Antiques Roadshow' styled event.
  • The Great Hundred-Year Hunt - A family activity that took folks all over the Library.
  • Edwardian Costumes: a Fashion Parade - Examined costumes people wore when they came to the Library in 1908.
  • Library Birthday - Tuesday 2 December 2008 - exactly 100 years from the day our first Librarian, William Barker McEwan, opened the doors of the Carnegie Library to the public of Dunedin.

Images from the celebrations can be found on the Dunedin Public Libraries Flickr photostream.

Heritage Collections

The Dunedin Public Libraries network has two specialist Heritage Collections. Both are located on the third floor of the City Library.

The McNab New Zealand Collection contains around 83,000 items concerning the history of the New Zealand and Pacific regions. The Alfred and Isabel Reed Collection contains around 10,000 items dating from the tenth century to the present, covering literature, religion, and the history of the book.

The Reed Collection's illuminated Mediaeval manuscripts are one of the most outstanding assemblies of European visual art from the Middle Ages in Australasia. With the Otago Museum's holdings of Classical art, and the Dunedin Public Art Gallery's collections of Mediaeval, Renaissance and later European art, they are a key element in the city's reconnaissance of European art, which is unparalleled in New Zealand. In Australasia it is only matched in Melbourne.

The heritage collections are open to the public, but items can only be used on the third floor of the City Library. There is also a collection of art works used to embellish spaces within the libraries.

Reed Gallery

Opened in March 2006 the Reed Gallery fulfills A.H. Reeds dream of a readily available heritage collection.

Exhibition cabinets, revamped lighting and security have created a professional gallery space meeting international conservation standards, meaning collections can now be properly appreciated.

The space features quarterly exhibitions, some themed, others with a changingbook of the monthdisplay. Some of the material is very interesting, precious or rare, and few people have been able to see it. The area also features a seminar room for lectures and slide shows related to the exhibitions and the heritage collections.

Current Gallery Exhibition

Signs & Symbols: Decoding Mediaeval & Renaissance Iconography

Why are the Virgin Mary's robes red and her mantle blue? What is an eagle doing in the margin of that page? Is that scrolling ivy just for show?

The latest Reed Gallery exhibition explores the meanings behind the symbols and visual cues found in mediaeval and Renaissance manuscripts.

More than twenty manuscripts from the thirteenth to sixteenth century are on display, drawn from the Alfred and Isabel Reed Collection; the second largest collection of such manuscripts held by a New Zealand institution.

This is the twentieth exhibition at the Reed Gallery and the first to be made available online via the Dunedin Public Libraries website.


The Dunedin Public Libraries website provides customer access to information about the libraries activities and services.

These activities and services include visitor access to digital resources (subscription databases), membership, borrowing and events information, join the library online, provide user feedback, use the library catalogue to search the collection, place holds etc.


The first Dunedin Public Libraries website (www.dunedinlibraries.com) was launched in 2001.

The design and content was then first updated in 2005 and this look and feel remained up until late 2010.

On September 29, 2010 the website was re-launched with new and updated content, a fresh design and layout to reflect current library branding, and a new primary domain name - www.dunedinlibraries.govt.nz

Intended Audience

The library website audience is broad:

  • Internal library customers (via on site computer terminals)
  • External library customers (via the Internet)
  • Educational institutions and their students
  • Businesses and their staff
  • Community groups and other non-profit organisations
  • Local and central government agencies and their staff
  • National and international visitors
  • Local Iwi
  • Children & Young Adults
  • Historians

This list is not exhaustive but reflects the diverse nature of the websites audience and their motivations to visit it.


The stated activity goal of Dunedin Public Libraries is to:

"Collect, organise, preserve and provide access to resources in a range of print, audiovisual and/or electronic formats for information, education and recreation".

The library website supports these goals by:

  • Promoting and facilitating Dunedin Public Libraries and its services
  • Providing an effective and valuable information resource for target audiences through remote access to the library catalogue, customer information, and services such as registration, holds facilities, target marketing and electronic newsletters
  • Promoting and encouraging communication between Dunedin Public Libraries and the citizens of Dunedin City
  • Providing referrals and web links to external websites through selected links
  • Providing access to electronic resources and digital content

Web 2.0 Initiatives


Dunedin Public Libraries launched its Facebook page in late December 2008. Videos from the libraries YouTube channel along with pictures from its Flickr photo stream can be found on the Facebook page. To date there has been a positive uptake of this service with Facebook users becoming 'fans' on an almost daily basis. A mixture of events taking place across the library network are publicised via the events tab on the library page. To date current and potential customers have welcomed the libraries presence on Facebook along with the events information on offer.


The Dunedin Public Libraries Flickr photo stream was established in January 2008. The library upgraded to a professional account in April 2008. Events that take place across the library network are posted to Flickr. To date no videos have been uploaded with the library opting to post content of this nature to its YouTube channel. The most popular images to date have been exterior photographs of the various library buildings. Various one off musical events also attract high numbers of viewers.

News & Reviews Blog

Originally the library ran two separate blogs - one for news the other reviews. In early 2008 these were merged in to one blog now hosted by Wordpress.com. Items are added to this blog almost daily and it has proven popular with users.


The Dunedin Public Libraries Twitter homepage launched in February 2009. To date over 500 users of the service have become 'followers' of the libraries 'tweets'. The majority of the tweets posted to date have covered additions to the collections, library events etc.


The Dunedin Public Libraries YouTube channel was launched in May 2008. Twelve months later there are now over 100 video clips available. The video content is drawn from a variety of events around the library network and include the occasional promotional clip of exhibits etc. Musicians and actors who have performed at the library dominate the most watched clips.


  1. ^ "Dunedin Public Libraries". Dunedin City Council. http://www.dunedin.govt.nz/facilities/library. Retrieved 2008-08-30. 
  2. ^ Frame, Barbara (February 2008). "100 Years!" (– Scholar search). The word: p.7. http://www.dunedinlibraries.co.nz/home/?MIvalObj=word2008feb. Retrieved 2008-04-30. [dead link]
  3. ^ Angus, Janet (February 1996). A Brief History Of The Waikouaiti Library!. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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