- Electronic correlation
Electronic correlation refers to the interaction between
electron s in a quantum system whoseelectronic structure is being considered. The term "correlation " stems from mathematical statistics and means that two distribution functions, "f" and "g", are not independent of each other.Atomic and molecular systems
Within the
Hartree-Fock method ofquantum chemistry , the antisymmetricwave function is approximated by a singleSlater determinant . Exact wave functions, however, cannot generally be expressed as single determinants. The single-determinant approximation does not take into accountCoulomb correlation , leading to a total electronic energy different from the exact solution of the non-relativisticSchrödinger equation within theBorn-Oppenheimer approximation . Therefore theHartree-Fock limit is always above this exact energy. The difference is called the "correlation energy", a term coined by Löwdin. [cite journal | first = Per-Olov | last = Löwdin | title = Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems. III. Extension of the Hartree-Fock Scheme to Include Degenerate Systems and Correlation Effects | journal =Physical Review | volume = 97 | issue = 6 | pages = 1509–1520 | publisher =American Physical Society | date = March 1955 | url = http://link.aps.org/abstract/PR/v97/p1509
doi = 10.1103/PhysRev.97.1509 | accessdate = 2008-04-07 | format = abstract]A certain amount of electron correlation is already considered within the HF approximation, found in the electron exchange term describing the correlation between electrons with parallel spin. This basic correlation prevents two parallel-spin electrons from being found at the same point in space and is often called
Fermi correlation . Coulomb correlation, on the other hand, describes the correlation between the spatial position of electrons with opposite spin due to their Coulomb repulsion. There is also a correlation related to the overall symmetry or total spin of the considered system.In simple terms the molecular orbitals of the Hartree-Fock method are optimised by evaluating the energy of an electron in each molecular orbital moving in the mean field of all other electrons, rather than including the instantaneous repulsion between electrons.
Crystalline systems
condensed matter physics , electrons are typically described with reference to a periodic lattice of atomic nuclei. Non-interacting electrons are therefore typically described byBloch waves , which correspond to the delocalized, symmetry adapted molecular orbitals used in molecules (whileWannier function s correspond to localized MOs). A number of important theoretical approximations have been proposed to explain electron correlations in these crystalline systems.The
Fermi liquid model of correlated electrons in metals is able to explain the temperature dependence of resistivity by electron-electron interactions.Superconductivity is the result of electron correlations.The
Hubbard model is based on the tight-binding approximation, and can explain conductor-insulator transitions inMott insulators such astransition metal oxides by the presence of repulsive Coulombic interactions between electrons.The RKKY Interaction can explain electron spin correlations between unpaired inner shell electrons in different atoms in a conducting crystal by a second-order interaction that is mediated by conduction electrons.
The Tomonaga Luttinger Liquid model approximates second order electron-electron interactions as bosonic interactions.
Mathematical viewpoint
For two independent electrons "a" and "b",
where "ρ(ra,rb)" represents the joint electronic density, or the probability density of finding electron "a" at "ra" and electron "b" at "rb". Within this notation, "ρ(ra,rb)dradrb" represents the probability of finding the two electrons in their respective volume elements "dra" and "drb".
If these two electrons are correlated, then the probability of finding electron "a" at a certain position in space depends on the position of electron "b", and vice versa. In other words, the product of their independent density functions does not adequately describe the real situation. At small distances, the uncorrelated pair density is too large; at large distances, the uncorrelated pair density is too small (i.e. the electrons tend to "avoid each other").
See also
Configuration interaction
*Coupled cluster
*Quantum Monte Carlo
* Strongly correlated material
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