- Berthouville Treasure
The Berthouville treasure is a
hoard of Roman silver uncovered by ploughing in March 1830 [The 21 March, by Prosper Taurin, according toAuguste Le Prévost , who had been born nearby atBernay (Prévost, "Mémoire sur la collection de vases antiques trouvée en 1830 à Berthouville (arr. de Bernay)", Caen, 1832:6); [http://www.archivesmonetaires.org/apam/inventaires/bn/amc/08amc.html Archives relative to the acquisition of the Berthouville Treasure, B.N. 8 AMC 35 (1830)] .] at the hamlet of Villeret [Date and location as noted in "Mémoires de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France" 6th series, vol. 8 (1897:228-32), reporting M. Join-Lambert's excavations of two temples, a theatre and wells near the site in 1896.] in the commune ofBerthouville in theEure "département" ofNormandy , northernFrance . Purchased at the time of discovery for a modest 15,000 francs, the treasure is conserved in theCabinet des Médailles at theBibliothèque National , Paris. [Ernest Babelon (director of the département des monnaies, médailles et antiques, BN), "Le trésor d'argenterie de Bertouville près de Bernay (Eure) conservé au Département de médailles et antiques de la Bibliothèque national", Paris 1916; Ruth E. Leader-Newby, "Silver and Society in Late Antiquity: Functions and Meanings of Silver Plate" (Ashgate) 2004; D.E. Strong, "Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate" (London 1968)]History
The Berthouville
hoard was discovered when the ploughblade struck a Roman tile, which, once dislodged, uncovered, a mere 20 cm beneath the modern surface, the hastily buried temple treasure [On Roman temple treasures in general, see A. Henwood Griffiths, "Temple Treasures: A Study Based on the Works of Cicero and the Fasti of Ovid" (Philadelphia 1943).] belonging to a shrine dedicated to Mercury Canetonensis, whoJulius Caesar identified as one of the main deities ofGaul . [Caesar, "Commentaries on the Gallic War" vi. §17.]The treasure consists of silver and other metalwork, of varying type, quality and dates in the first to late second centuries of the Common Era. The "trésor de Berthouville" is one of only three pagan depositories securely associated with pagan cult as yet recovered in
Gaul andBritannia . [Leader-Newby 2004:72. The other two are theNotre-Dame d'Allençon Treasure and theThetford Treasure .] The hoard was secreted in the late second or early third century but contained heirloom pieces like the repoussé silver jug ("illustration") that was made in Italy in the first century CE.The find totalled ninety-three items, some of which however were dissociated handles and silver appliqués, with a total weight of 25 kg. Most of the items are bowls, cups and jugs, [Karl Lehmann-Hartleben, "Two Roman Silver Jugs" "American Journal of Archaeology" 42.1 (January-March 1938:82-105).] but there is a "phiale" for libations [Charles Waldstein, "A Hermes in Ephesian Silver Work on a Patera from Bernay in France", "The Journal of Hellenic Studies" 3 (1882:96-106).] and there are two silver statuettes of Mercury (the larger 60 cm tall) and a silver bust of a goddess, probably his mother
Maia , suggests Leader-Newby, [Ruth E. Leader-Newby, "Silver and Society in Late Antiquity: Functions and Meanings of Silver Plate" Ashgate; 2004; p. 73] who also remarks in more general terms that "the cults may well have been Romanized versions of Celtic deities", in which case anymph associated with Gallic Mercurius would likely have a local Gallic name. Four of the bowls have incised emblemmatic designs associated with Mercury, and the inscription VSLM, "votum solvit libens merito". [Ruth E. Leader-Newby, "Silver and Society in Late Antiquity: Functions and Meanings of Silver Plate" Ashgate. 2004.] Nine of the vessels form a group of luxury domestic silver of first century date [Similar to silver found atBoscoreale and in the House of the Menander atPompeii , overwhelmed by the eruption of 79 CE, and similarly composed of drinking vessels (Leader-Newby).] with iconographic connections to Dionysus rather than to Mercury, marked asvotive gift s of one Q. Domitius Tutus; they include a matching pair of silver drinking cups ("scyphi") with Dionysiac imagery ofcentaur s, [Jon van de Grift, "Tears and Revel: The Allegory of the Berthouville Centaur Scyphi" "American Journal of Archaeology" 88.3 (July 1984:377-388).] and a pair of silver wine-jugs ("one illustrated"). [K. Lehmann, "Two Roman silver jugs", "American Journal of Archaeology" 42 (1938:82-105).]Excavations near the find-spot in 1861-62 and 1986 [Noted in Leader-Newby 2004:114 note 64.A bust of
Hermaphroditus was discovered at Bernay in 1864 occasioned some correspondence with M. Cornu of Bernay in 1864-65 ( [http://www.archivesmonetaires.org/apam/inventaires/bn/amc/12amc.html Archives, B.N., 12 AMC 12, 12 AMC 14] ).] revealed aGallo-Roman theatre and a shrine that may have been the shrine to which the silver objects had been dedicated.The
Mildenhall Treasure , a Roman family's personal silver hoard, also was uncovered by a farmer's plough in Mildenhall in the English county of Suffolk.Notes
*Ch. Picard, "Un cénacle littéraire hellénistique sur deux vases d' argent du trésor de Berthouville-Bernay" "MonPiot" 44, (1950:5ff).
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