

In classifying the pottery of Ancient Greece, a "skyphos" (Greek: "σκύφος"; plural "skyphoi") is a two-handled deep wine-cup on a low flanged base or none. The handles may be horizontal ear-shaped thumbholds that project from the rim (in both Corinthian and Athenian shapes), or they may be loop handles at the rim or that stand away from the lower part of the body. "Skyphoi" of the type called " glaux" (owl) have one horizontal and one vertical thumbhold handle.

Early "skyphoi" were made during the Geometric period. Corinth set the conventions that Athens followed. Over a long period the shape remained the same while the style of decoration changed.

"Skyphoi" were also made of precious metals - one example is the Warren Cup. A Roman "skyphos" of cameo glass can be seen at the Getty Museum.

Comparable forms of a handled drinking cup on a base included:

*Kotyle, a more generic term for any cup.

The word "skyphos" has been adopted for the purposes of biological classification with regard to jellyfish, which are included in the class Scyphozoa (literally "cup-shaped animal").

External links

* [ Skyphoi]
* [ Perseus "Encyclopedia":] skyphos

ee also

* Black-figure pottery
* Red-figure pottery

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