La Quinta Esencia

La Quinta Esencia

Infobox Album
Name = La Quinta Esencia
Type = Studio Album
Artist = WarCry

Released = September 18, 2006
Recorded = 2006
Length = 55:00
Language = Spanish
Genre = Power metal
Label = Jaus/Avispa
Producer = Jaus Records
Reviews = * Allmusic (not rated) [ link]
* Metal Symphony Rating|4.5|5 [ link]
Last album = "Directo A La Luz" (2006)
This album = "La Quinta Esencia" (2006)
Next album = "Revolución" (2008)
Misc = Extra album cover 2
Upper caption = Back cover
Type = Album

Lower caption =

"La Quinta Esencia" (en: "The Fifth Essence") is the fifth studio album by the power metal band WarCry, released on December 18 2006 (see 2006 in music and 2006 in heavy metal music), and distrubuted through Avispa Music. Front man, and lead vocals Víctor García said that this album is a mixture of all the works from their four previous albums.

"La Quinta Esencia" was the last work to feature drummer Alberto Ardines and guitarist Fernando Mon, who left on August 29, 2007, the reasons remained between the members, as accorded from both sides. [ [ Ardines & Mon leave WarCry] Retrieved August 29, 2007] They were replaced by Rafael Yugueros, an Asturian heavy metal drummer who had worked for the band on "Demon 97" [ [ Yugueros as the new drummer] Retrieved August 30, 2007] , and José Rubio [ [ José Rubio becomes WarCry's new guitarist] Retrieved September 21, 2007] better known as the former guitarist of the band Trilogy.

Later, on February 18, 2008 keyboardist Manuel Ramil left the band due to the distance between his home in Galicia to the rest of the members in Asturias, it was also said that Manuel could only attend to the new album's recording in the studio just a 10% compared to the rest of the members. [ [ Manuel Ramil leaves WarCry] Retrieved February 18, 2008.] All three members, along with vocalist Toni Amboaje reunited to form an alternative/power metal band, called Sauze.

Track listing

# "¡Que Vengan Ya!" ("(They) Come Now!") - 4:14
# "Ulises" ("Ulysses" or "Odysseus") - 5:28
# "Tu Recuerdo Me Bastará" ("Your Memory Will Be Enough For Me") - 4:43
# "La Vieja Guardia" ("The Old Guard") - 4:29
# "Un Poco De Fé" ("A Little Bit Of Faith") - 5:21
# "El Más Triste Adiós" ("The Saddest Good Bye") - 5:31
# "Buscando Una Luz" ("Looking For A Light") - 5:04
# "Ha Pasado Su Tiempo" ("His Time Went By") - 4:03
# "Redención" ("Redemption") - 4:56
# "Mirando Al Mar" ("Staring At The Sea") - 7:18
# "Más Allá" ("Beyond") - 4:53




* Víctor García - vocals
* Pablo García - guitars
* Fernando Mon - guitars
* Roberto García - bass
* Manuel Ramil - keyboards
* Alberto Ardines - drums


* Sergio Blanco - Photos
* Daniel Alonso - Design


External links

* [ WarCry] — official website
* [ WarCry] at MySpace

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