Hormizd II

Hormizd II

Obv: Corrupt Greek legend with name of Hormizd II. Characreristic lion head-dress of Hormizd II. Swastika between feet. Brahmi monogram to right.
Rev: Shiva with bull.] Hormizd II, was the eighth Persia king of the Sassanid dynasty who reigned for seven years and five months, from 302 to 309. He was the son of Narseh (293–302),

Almost nothing is known of Hormizd II's reign.

After his death his oldest son Adarnases was killed by the grandees after a very short reign, as he showed a cruel disposition; another son, Hormizd, was kept a prisoner, with the throne being reserved for Shapur II, the child of his concubine. Another version says that Shapur II was the son of the first wife that Hormizd II had, and she was made to wear a crown over her pudenda while still pregnant so that the baby would be born as a King whenever the labor pains began.

His son Hormizd escaped from prison by the help of his wife in 323, and found refuge at the court of Constantine I (324–337) (Zosimus ii. 27; John of Antioch, fr. 178; Zonaras 13–5). In 363, Hormizd served in the army of Emperor Julian (361–363) against Persia; his son, with the same name, afterwards served in the Roman government as a proconsul (Ammianus Marcellinus 26. 8. 12).



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