William Vetzal

William Vetzal

William "Bill" Vetzal (Василь Вецал) (May 15, 1943 - )

Born in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, Vetzal is a full-time bandura designer and manufacturer.

Vetzal studied the art of bandura making from the Honcharenko brothers in Detroit in the 1970s. Since then he has made over 480 instruments, many of which have have incorporated significant design improvements in the construction and the system of mechanisms used to retune the instrument. [ [http://bandurist.com/history.html History.html ] ] As a result of consistent efforts in fine craftsmanship with the incorporation of contemporary technologies Vetzal has become the leading maker of banduras in the world.

Vetzal has made instruments for the [http://www.bandura.org/index.htm Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus] , [ [http://www.infoukes.com/bandura/chorus%20history.html Chorus History ] ] the [http://www.bandurist.com/ Canadian Bandurist Capella] and many notable concert bandurists in North America. His instruments are sent out to Ukraine. He has also passed on his bandura making skills and knowledge to Ukrainian craftsmen such as A. Zayaruzny, R. Hrynkiv and Ye. Ptashkin who have traveled to Canada to study under him.

In addition to banduras, Vetzal has also made numerous other Ukrainian folk instruments.

Galleries and museums

* [http://www.bandura.net/BanduraMuseum/index.html Victor Mishalow's bandura museum]


* [http://kontakt.infoukes.com/archives/2001/2001-03-10/Kontakt-2001-03-10-Seg-5.ram Video segment on Vetzal from Kontact Ukrainian Television Network]


*нн – William Vetzal // «Bandura», #19-20, 1987
*Мiшaлoв, В. - Мaйстри Бaндур - 2000 // ж. «Bandura», #73/74, 2000
*Mishalow, V. – Bandura makers 2000 // ж. «Bandura», #73/74, 2000


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