Alpha Q

Alpha Q

Alpha Q (or Alpha Quintesson) is a fictional character from the "" TV series, comics and toyline. He is voiced by Trevor Devall.

Animated series

:"Sources: Transformers: Energon cartoon series"Among the many worlds that fell to the unending hunger of the world-eater, Unicron, was one little sphere known as Planet Q. But before succumbing to the world-eater, this planet valiantly fought back as its armies rallied under the command of the world's Grand Chamberlain. But soon it became apparent that they would not be able to stop Unicron, and the Grand Chamberlain resigned himself to his world's fate, choosing a suicide ploy. He instructed the planet's child ruler to detonate Planet Q's core, but when the child refused, the chamberlain committed the act himself, destroying the planet as Unicron consumed it. The explosion failed to destroy Unicron, but it did heavily damage him, forcing him into a state of dormancy. And within Unicron's slumbering husk, the spark of Planet Q's ruler continued to exist.

Driven mad by the solitary existence, the mind of Planet Q's ruler fractured, splintering into four separate personalities. From Unicron's body, the child sculpted for itself a new, armoured body, with four rotating face masks, through which each one of his personalities found voice, with his fifth personality - his original true personality - hidden away inside him, speaking only when the armour was closed, concealing his face from view. But within the shattered mind of the insane being that now called itself "Alpha Q," a kernel of genius existed - Alpha Q has discovered that, through the power of Energon, all that Unicron had consumed could be reconstituted. And so, using what little Energon he had, he recreated the armies of Planet Q as the , and sent them to Earth to gather Energon for his plan.

After the first few strikes by the Terrorcons, Alpha Q used a wandering Decepticon Spark to recreated the Grand Chamberlain in the form of Scorponok, in order to turn the Decepticons working with the Autobots to his side. However, when Megatron engineered his own resurrection, Alpha Q was forced to flee Unicron's body in his head, and subsequently made a failed attempt to destroy Megatron by using the last of his Energon to recreate Starscream. When Megatron flushed Scorponok out as Alpha Q's mole, and his crew - whom Alpha Q had previously encountered and convinced of his plan - rescued him, leading to an alliance between Alpha Q and the Autobots, brokered by the human boy, Chad "Kicker" Jones, who Alpha Q felt a bond with. During Megatron's attack on Cybertron with Unicron's body, Alpha Q drove Unicron's head - now charged with the positive Energon of Earth - into the body, where it reacted with the negative Energon contained within, causing a reaction that tore open a fissure in space. In the new region of space that the fissure lead to, Alpha Q was able to recreate all the worlds, as he had set out to do, cultivating and sustaining them from his place within Unicron's head, which had now become a glowing Energon Sun. However, when Megatron succeeded in reactivating Unicron's body, he had it reclaim the chaos-bringer's head, extinguishing the sun and killing Alpha Q in the process.

Kicker recovered Alpha Q's body from within Unicron, and laid it to rest on Grass Planet. However, Alpha Q's spirit continued to observe and comment on events until the end of the conflict.

Dreamwave Productions

Alpha Quintesson also appeared in the accompanying Dreamwave "Transformers:Energon" comics. Here he was the go-between for Unicron, giving orders to the Terrorcons and the Four Horsemen - Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox and Terrorsaur, sending them to attack Earth in search of Energon and attacking Cybertron. It was he who was responsible for giving the Terrorcons their hyper modes in this continuity. It was hinted at the end of the series that he was planning to rebel against Unicron, but Dreamwave's closure meant nothing ever came of this.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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