Joël Bellassen

Joël Bellassen
The 400 characters as defined by Joël Bellassen





Joël Bellassen or Bel Lassen (French pronunciation: [ʒoɛl belasɛn]; born Sidi-bel-Abbès, Algeria in 1950) is a professor (Professeur des universités) of Chinese at Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales and the first Inspector General in the field of Chinese Language Teaching at the Ministry of Education (France). He has been well known in his field in France since he wrote his book Méthode d'Initiation à la Langue et à l'Écriture chinoises (1989, ISBN 2-9504135-1-X, with the collaboration of Zhang Pengpeng) "Initiation to Chinese Language and Writing", which became one of the main textbooks used to teach Chinese in French secondary schools.

Bellassen approach

Méthode d'Initiation broke the mould for Chinese textbooks by diving straight into the use of Han characters and only afterwards giving pinyin transcriptions. The general aim is to immerse the student in the language and culture, with the characters being seen as a primordial element of this.

One of the main aims of the textbook (which uses Simplified Chinese characters and Standard Chinese pronunciation) is to teach the student the following 400 characters.

Bellassen and Zhang later went on to publish book 2 of the course: Perfectionnement à la Langue et à l'Écriture chinoises (1991, ISBN 2-9504135-2-8; and a double edition including book 1: ISBN 2-9504135-0-1). This sequel is even more centred on the characters, with even less grammatical explanation. It aims to teach a further 500 characters and consolidate the absorption of the first 400.

Bellassen has appeared on French television to promote the study of the Chinese language.


  • Le Chinois pour tous (et A. Arslangul), Bescherelle-Hatier, 2010, ISBN 9782218933127
  • Méthode d'Initiation à la langue et à l'écriture chinoises (nouvelle édition avec DVD), La Compagnie, 2008, ISBN 9782950413567
  • Gunxueqiu xue hanyu - Snowballing Chinese - Le chinois par boules de neige - (et Liu Chia-ling), Sinolingua 2008, Pékin, ISBN 97878020006430
  • Zaijian le, Zhongguo. Wo de 70 yinji, Dongfang chubanshe 2007, Pékin, ISBN 9787506028011
  • Annales de chinois, du Bac aux concours, Editions du Temps 2006, ISBN 2842743393
  • Le chinois pour les Nuls (et W. Abraham; Yu W.), First 2006, ISBN 275400212X
  • Empreintes chinoises : De Chine et de France, regards croisés (et Jin Siyan), Nicolas Philippe 2004, ISBN 2748800648
  • Shuo zi jie ci, Le chinois recyclé, Beijing Daxue chubanshe 2002, ISBN 7301056370 /H.0750
  • Le chinois aux examens, You Feng 1998, ISBN 2842790081
  • A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing, tome I, (et Zhang P.), éd.Sinolingua, Pékin, 1997, ISBN 9787800525070
  • A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing, tome II (et Zhang P.), éd.Sinolingua, Pékin, 1997, ISBN 9787800525087
  • Chinois : mode d'emploi, grammaire pratique et exercices, réédition You Feng 1996, ISBN 2906658979
  • Les idéogrammes chinois ou l'empire du sens, You Feng 1995, ISBN 290665857X
  • Perfectionnement à la langue et à l'écriture chinoises (et Zhang P.), éd La Compagnie, 1991
  • Méthode d'initiation à la langue et à l'écriture chinoises, Ed. La Compagnie, 1989, ISBN 9782950413512
  • Le noyau rationnel de la dialectique hégélienne, A propos d'un texte de Zhang Shiying (& A. Badiou et L. Mossot), Maspéro, 1978, ISBN 2707110450
  • Filosofia y conservacion de los tomates (trad. espagnole),Anagrama,1974
  • Philosophie et conservation des tomates, L'Impensé Radical, 1973

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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