

Garnier is a division of L'Oréal [ Garnier - Terms and Conditions] ] that produces hair care products, including the Fructis line, and most recently, skin care products under the name, Nutritioniste, that are sold around the world. One of their key ingredients is a fruit concentrate used in all their products. It is a combination of fruit acids, vitamin B3 and B6, fructose and glucose.


Garnier sells an array of products ranging from styling products to shampoos and conditioners. The products currently sold by Garnier are:
*Sleek and Shine shampoo and cream conditioner
*Body and Volume shampoo and cream conditioner
*Normal shampoo and conditioner and 2-1 Normal shampoo/conditioner
*Dry or Damaged shampoo and cream conditioner
*Sleek and Shine anti-frizz serum
*Sleek and Shine deep conditioner
*Anti-Dandruff shampoo and 2-1 Anti-Dandruff shampoo and conditioner
*Fine shampoo and cream conditioner
*Hard Curl Gel
*Soft Curl cream
*Length and Strength anti-split ends treatment
*Body and Volume root lifting treatment spray
*Surf Hair
*Fortifying deep conditioner
*Body and Volume shampoo and cream conditioner
*Sleek and Shine leave-in conditioning cream
*Color treated or permed shampoo and cream conditioner
*Length and Strength shampoo and cream conditioner
*Curl and Shine shampoo and cream conditioner
*Curl and Shine leave-in conditioner [This product has been DISCONTINUED by Garnier.]

Garnier also produces beauty products. The beauty products are branded under the name Garnier Skin Naturals due to their natural components. These include:

*Garnier Pure Range (For Oily/Blemished Skin)
*Garnier Lift Range (Firming & Anti-wrinkle)
*Garnier Light Range (Whitening/Brightening)
*Garnier Fresh Range (For Normal/Combination Skin)
*Garnier Soft Range (For Dry/Sensitive Skin)
*Garnier Nutritionist Range (New) (For smoothening fine lines & boosting skin radiance)
*Body (gradual tan)
*BodyTonic (firming lotion)
*BodyCocoon (body moisturiser)
*FootCocoon (foot moisturiser)
*HandCocoon (hand moisturiser)
*BodyRepair (intensive body moisturiser)
*Garnier Skin Naturals summerface "12hour Moisturising Cream Sun Kissed Look"


;Australia, UK, USA, India: "Take care.";USA, India: "For hair that shines with all its strength."(Fructis);USA: "Great skin from the inside out."(Nutritioniste);Spain: "Alta tecnología natural (High natural tecnology);Poland: "Włosy lśnią ze wszystkich sił." (Hair that shines with all its strength.);Portugal: "Cuida bem de ti." (Take good care of yourself);Ukraine: "Подбай про себе. (Take care.)";Italy: "Prenditi cura di te." (Take care of yourself);Russia: "Заботься о себе." (Take care of yourself);Serbia: "Brini o sebi." (Take care of yourself);Mexico: "Cuidate." (Take care)


* The Transplants song "Diamonds and Guns" is played as the background music in most Garnier commercials.
*Mike Garner was the co-founder of the Garnier brand.
* Mexico: Cuidate garnier


External links

* [ Garnier Fructis (official Australian site)]
* [ Garnier Fructis] (official USA Site)

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