- Biased random walk (biochemistry)
cell biology , a biased random walk enablesbacteria to search for food and flee from harm. Bacteria propel themselves with the aid offlagella in a process calledchemotaxis , and a typical bacteria trajectory has many charactistics of arandom walk . They move forward for a certain distance, then the course is abrubtly altered by a process called tumbling. The average change of direction is about 60°.The presence of a food supply
gradient addsbias to the random walk and hence the phrase "biased random walk". When the bacterium moves away from an attractant like a food source (sugar) the tumbling frequency increases (tumbling, negative chemotaxis). This makes it possible for the bacterium to change course and head back to the food source. The bacterium is also able to steer away from a repellant such as a toxin by reducing the tumbling frequency (running, positive chemotaxis). The bacterium is able to detect a chemical gradient not by monitoring a difference in concentration in head and tail but rather by a temporal sensing mechanism keeping track of concentration through time and space. The biased random walk in bacteriummotility may be applied in roboticsensor s that are able to find the source of an oil spill in oceans.ee also
chemotaxis External links
* [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/69/9/2509 Robert M. Macnab and D. E. Koshland The Gradient-Sensing Mechanism in Bacterial Chemotaxis PNAS | September 1, 1972 | vol. 69 | no. 9 | 2509-2512]
* [http://research.cens.ucla.edu/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/CENS_RESOURCES/POSTER_REPOSITORY/039_DHARIWAL.PDF Robotic sensors inspired by bacteria]
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