
Two slick blade sculls. The "blades" are at the top of the picture and the handles are at the bottom.

Croker Oars is a manufacturer of Rowing oars. The business was started by Howard Croker in Sydney, Australia. Howard was an enthusiastic coach and for some years 1975-76 he coached at The Scots College in Sydney. Howard was also a successful rower in the 1960s, winning both State and National rowing titles. He rowed for the then Haberfield Rowing Club at Dobroyd Point in Sydney.

Croker Oars currently produce sculling and sweep oars for the Australian and international market. Croker also manufactures surf boat oars. Many elite rowers use Croker oars and together with Concept2 oars make up the majority of oars used in international competition.

The business continues to grow and the Croker family are now involved in the day-to-day running of the firm.

Croker is also an American Musician who writes parodies that are related to the sport of rowing. His song "2k" has been featured on such websites as and

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  • Croker — ist der Name folgender Personen: John Wilson Croker (1780–1857), englischer Parlamentsredner, Dichter und Journalist Norma Croker (* 1934), australische Leichtathletin und Olympiasiegerin Richard Croker (1843 1922), US amerikanischer Politiker… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Croker — Cro ker (kr[=o] k[ e]r), n. [Gr. kro kos saffron.] A cultivator of saffron; a dealer in saffron. [Obs.] Holinshed. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Croker [1] — Croker, 1) isolirter kleiner Gebirgszug in der englischen Colonie Neu Süd Wales (Australien); 2) kleine Insel zum Paumotu Archipel od. Niedrigen Inseln (südöstliches Polynesien) gehörig …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Croker [2] — Croker, 1) John Wilson, geb. 1781 in Dublin; prakticirte daselbst als Advocat; kam 1807 ins Parlament u. wurde unter Perceval 1809 Secretär der Admiralität; 1830 trat er aus dem Staatsdienst, 1835 wurde er nicht wieder in das [546] Parlament… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Croker — Croker, 1) John Wilson, engl. Parlamentsredner, Dichter und Journalist, geb. 20. Dez. 1780 in Galway, gest. 8. Aug. 1854 in Old Brompton, studierte in Dublin die Rechte, praktizierte und ward 1807 von der irischen Grafschaft Downe ins Parlament… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Croker [1] — Croker, John Wilson, geb. 1781 zu Dublin, Rechtsgelehrter, lange Zeit Secretär der Admiralität, verfocht die Emancipation der Katholiken, war aber gegen die Reformbill. Er trat auch als satyrischer Schriftsteller auf und sammelte Materialien zu… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Croker [2] — Croker, T. Crofton, geschmackvoller Bearbeiter der Volkssagen Irlands, auch Originalschriftsteller im Roman …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • croker — /ˈkroʊkə/ (say krohkuh) phrase make a croker of, Obsolete to consume leaving only the refuse: the caterpillars made a croker of the tomatoes. {British dialect croke the core of an apple or pear} …  

  • Croker — This ancient surname has distinctly French and baronial origins. It derives from the villages of Crevecoeur found in the Departments of Calvados, Oise, and Nord, in Normandy and has in the modern spellings, several variant forms. These include… …   Surnames reference

  • Croker Island (Northern Territory) — Croker Island Native name: Margo Image of Croker Island with Cobourg Peninsula …   Wikipedia

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