- Automagically
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Automagically — A word used to describe an event or action that one cannot explain rationally. I got in the shower, and automagically my date called. or So, you put the fabric in the machine and it comes out the other end as a shirt. How s that happen? I… … Dictionary of american slang
Automagically — A word used to describe an event or action that one cannot explain rationally. I got in the shower, and automagically my date called. or So, you put the fabric in the machine and it comes out the other end as a shirt. How s that happen? I… … Dictionary of american slang
automagically — Something that automatically works but nobody knows why, especially used in reference to web design and development. We called him Magic Mike because so many things he did seemed to work automagically. But there was no magic at all. He just saw… … Dictionary of american slang
automagically — Something that automatically works but nobody knows why, especially used in reference to web design and development. We called him Magic Mike because so many things he did seemed to work automagically. But there was no magic at all. He just saw… … Dictionary of american slang
automagically — adverb In an automagical manner … Wiktionary
automagically — ● ►en adv. ►SOC En version française, cela donne automagiquement … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
automagically — adv. automatically due to an unknown reason, independently as a result of unknown factors (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
automagically — … Useful english dictionary
Java (programming language) — infobox programming language name = Java paradigm = Object oriented, structured, imperative year = 1995 designer = Sun Microsystems latest release version = Java Standard Edition 6 (1.6.0) latest release date = latest test version = latest test… … Wikipedia
ANDNA — (Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy) is the distributed, non hierarchical and decentralised system ofhostname management in Netsukuku. It substitutes the DNS.The ANDNA database is scattered inside all Netsukuku network. In the worst case,… … Wikipedia