Neo Angelique ~Abyss~

Neo Angelique ~Abyss~

Infobox animanga/Header
name = Neo Angelique ~Abyss~

caption =
ja_name = ネオアンジェリーク Abyss
ja_name_trans =
genre = Male Harem, Romance
Infobox animanga/Anime
director = Shin Katagai
studio = flagicon|Japan Yumeta Company
licensor =
network = TV Tokyo flagicon|Singapore Arts Central
first = April 6 2008
last = June 29 2008
episodes = 13
episode_list = List of Neo Angelique ~Abyss~ episodes
Infobox animanga/Anime
title = Neo Angelique Abyss -Second Age-
studio = flagicon|Japan Yumeta Company
network = TV Tokyo flagicon|Singapore Arts Central
first = July 6 2008
last =
episodes = 13
episode_list = List of Neo Angelique ~Abyss~ episodes

nihongo|"Neo Angelique ~Abyss~"|ネオアンジェリーク Abyss is a spin-off of the "Angelique" series and is based on the "Neo Angelique" game. Yumeta Company started broadcasting the anime on April 6, 2008. The anime introduces four new characters that did not appear in the game. A sequel to the first season of the anime has been announced by KOEI, the creators of the Angelique series and games. The second season dubbed Neo Angelique Abyss -Second Age- will be scheduled to air in July directly after the first season ends. The second season will continue off from where the first season ends.


The story takes place in a fictional world called Arcadia, where life-draining monsters called Thanatos plague the populace. The only ones who have the power to exterminate these creatures are Purifiers, but only a few exist. One day, Angelique, who is just a presumably normal girl attending school, is visited by Nyx, a rich gentlemen, as well as a Purifier, who created an organization comprised of Purifiers dedicated to eliminating Thanatos. Nyx is interested in the potential power she possesses and invites her to join his organization, but she refuses since she wants to become a doctor, like her father. However, when her school is later attacked by a Thanatos, she ends up activating her powers in her want to protect those in danger. After purifying the creature, she finds out she has a unique purifying power, and that is she the one that has been foretold in legends, the "Queen's Egg". It is then that her journey begins, and she becomes the only female Purifier in the world.This series is noted as being quite similar to Kiniro no Corda, otherwise known as La Corda D'oro.


;Nihongo|Angelique|アンジェリーク|Anjeriku:anime voices|Aya Endo:Age: 16:Height: 166cm

:A charming, kind-hearted girl. When she was a child, her village was attacked by Tanatos and she lost both her parents. This inspired and encouraged her more than ever to pursue her ambition to be a doctor when she grows up as she wants to help others and save lives. This was how she agreed to go with Nyx to fight Tanatos with the other Purifying Ability Compatibles as she felt that in this way, she would be able to save more lives than when she becomes a doctor when she grows up and completes her studies. She has a modest and reserved personality, but she has inner strength and can be severe. It has always been her wish to help others as she, like her parents, always place others before herself. She currently knows how to use a sword. It has been revealed later on in the second season that in order to save Arcadia and Nyx she must sacrafice the life she has as a normal girl among her loving friends and become the sacred queen.

;Nihongo|Rayne|レイン|Rein:anime voices|Hiroki Takahashi:Age: 18:Height: 181cm

:A smart, stylish boy. He actually acts his age, and is a friend you can freely chat about anything with, but actually he is extremely capable and reliable when it counts. In the past he worked as a scientist and a professor. He also has feelings for Angelique. Rayne is referred as "that guy" (ano hito) by Erenfried as Erenfried had a particular dislike for Rayne since Erenfried has always been jealous of all the attention that Rayne got, which he has never gotten before, in the past.

;Nihongo|Nyx|ニクス|Nikusu:anime voices|Toru Ohkawa:Age:26:Height:179cm

:Very mysterious and is an ultra gentleman. Rather than calling Angelique by her name, he often call her mademoiselle, which is a very polite French term for "lady". He is deathly afraid of the splashing sounds of water. Likes to play piano, drink tea. Does not age. In season 2 he is possessed by something (this was foreshadowed in season 1) and seems to want to help Angelique and others, but cannot always control what he calls "his condition". He have two sides, one is his normal side while another side is Erebos. He is 200 years old.He is free from Erebos and shown with erwin.

;Nihongo|Jade aka J.D.|ジェイド|Jeidou:anime voices|Masaya Onosaka:Age: 20:Height: 195cm

:Jade was referred to as a "defective product" by Jet when they were engaged in a fight. J.D. also said that he (Jet) is just like him (himself). It seems that Jade used to work for the Consortium, but somehow managed to escape and Jade is wanted by the Consortium. Hence, he avoided meeting the Consortium as much as he could, for fear of forcefully being taken away by the Consortium.

;Nihongo|Hyuga|ヒュウガ|Hyuuga:anime voices|Daisuke Ono:Age:22:Height:186cm

:A former silver knight and also an orb hunter. He will protect Angelique at all cost, even with the cost of his life. he refers to Angelique as "Angelique-sama". At the end of the first season, Angelique gave him an "order" that in future, he was to simply call her Angelique as she felt that they were "nakama" (仲間, literally means companion or comrade) or friends.

;Nihongo|René|ルネ|Reene:anime voices|Kappei Yamaguchi:Age:15:Height:165cm

:He is a member of The Silver Knights and is allowed to move about freely in the Sacred Temple. His second appearance in the anime is in episode 6, where he rescues Angelique from the persistent journalist, Roche, who keeps trying to take photos of "The Queen's Egg" to "get a scoop". He seems to be interested in Angelique. He is revealed to be the future leader of The Sliver Knights.

;Nihongo|Bernard|ベルナール|Berunaado:anime voices|Daisuke Hirakawa:Age:30:Height:182cm

:A reporter who always writes the truth. Roche sells a lot of his pictures to Bernard. He somehow recognizes Angelique's necklace from somewhere and seems to know something. He is revealed to be Angelique's relative, whom Angelique calls "Brother".

;Nihongo|Mathias|マティアス|Matiasu:anime voices|Taiten Kusunoki:Age:28:Height:180cm

:Also known as Lord Mathias or Mathias-sama, he is the Leader of the religious Organisation which supports the Orb Hunters. The Orb Hunters are more commonly known as the Purifying Ability Compatibles. It is also revealed that he is a fake Leader that was only chosen for his exceptional memory. The Organisation is trying to kill him so that Rene can take the title, but he, at episode 5 of season 2, kills the high elder of sliver knight. Has placed Artifact chip on his neck to receive powers. This chip controls tanatos. Due to the chip, half of Mathias is his ownself, half is controlled by the chip (therefore by Tanatos). In season 2, he was killed by Nyx/Erebos's attack inorder to protect René.

;Nihongo|Erenfried|エレンフリート|Erenfuriito:anime voices|Miyu Irino:Age:14:Height:163cm

:Is a scientist that works at the Consortium who has a deep hatred for Rayne as he always got the attention. Jet takes orders from Erenfriend and Director Yorgo, who Erenfried really wants to notice his accomplishments. Erenfried really likes Director Yorgo and in season 2 when Yorgo is imprisoned (due to mistakes of Erenfried with the Jinx project), he wants to rescue him. He somewhat befriends Angelique company in season 2 when J.D. rescues him from jail (Jet told him that Erenfried was in the jail in the basement) and brings him to Angelique's company. He also realise that "Artifacts/Jasper Dolls" have hearts when J.D. resues him from jail.

;Nihongo|Jet|ジェット|Jetto:anime voices|Yuuichi Nakamura:Age:20:Height:195cm

:Like Jade/J.D, he is also an artifact made by the Consortium in a desperate attempt to make another robot like Jade after they "lost" Jade during the mysterious fire. The fact that Jet and Jade are both artifacts make them "brothers".In season 2, He takes order from Mathias. Currently starts to experience some feelings (mostly when Angelique is around), which he calls defective, since he thinks of himself as only a weapon. Later he was abandoned by Mathias as he failed to complete his mission. He was at lost, Erenfried told him to act according to his own will from now on. Therefore he help out in the repairs of the "Ship Of Stars" but on the departure, he sacrificed his life to remove the bomb that Nyx/Erebos inplanted. However he was saved by Erenfried at the last episode of season 2.

;Nihongo|Roche|ロシュ|Roshu:anime voices|Ryohei Kimura:Age:17:Height:174cm

:Roche is a respectable journalist who loves money and women. He has never taken photos for others without taking payment for the photos, but in episode 9, he sent the photos he took of Angelique(which he took secretly when he was on the "secret date" or so he calls it, with Angelique.)which he had originally intended to sell to Bernard for money to the Silent Sun. This was done out of kindness when he realized that Angelique, like himself, was an orphan and he didn't feel like "selling" her "information" to others even if it is not for a bad purpose. He, however, did not regret making that decision and was a bit confused and surprised at himself as that was the first time he had taken photos for others without charging them. The "secret date" he went on with Angelique was not a real date. He happened to see Angelique on the streets after Angelique ran from Sally and Hanna as she was upset that her best friends refused to accept the truth that the Jinx was destroying many people's homes and even taking away some lives in the process of destroying Tanatos. He called it a "secret date" but in truth, he wanted to cheer up Angelique when he saw just how upset Angelique was. He is shown to use throwing knives as weapons as seen in his fight with Nyx.


Yorgo:Rayne's elder brother. He is the Director of the Consortium. Erenfried desperately tries to save him by appealing to Mathias, but instead, was thrown into jail. But he was then rescued by Erenfried on the dawn of his execution.

Erwin:Angelique's pet cat, which seems to have a mysterious ability when Angelique's tears touches it at the last part of episode 13 (In season 1).

Hannah And Sally:Angelique's friends, which appeared in only a few episodes. (In season 1)

Village Elder Of The Kozu Dragon Tribe:Jade(J.D.)'s Dad, the one who found J.D. and claim J.D. as his son.

Kai:He is Jade(J.D.)'s first friend, he was the first person who made J.D. smile. Unfortunately, he passed away from a common disease.

Rouki:She's Kai's friend and she told Angelique and Hyuga about Jade(J.D.)'s past.

Carlyle:He is a friend of Hyuga when he is still at the Sliver Knight. He died in Dreaming Soul Tower near Thunder Village due to placing an Artifact chip (similar to the one Mathias has) on his neck to receive powers, but couldnt control them, got possessed by tanatos and his soul left him, while his body stayed at the Dreaming Soul Tower possessed by Tanatos. His soul became a butterfly, which throughout episodes followed Hyuga. Angelique noticed the butterfly.

Dion:A member of Sliver Knight.


Theme songs

First Season

;Opening theme: "Joy to the World" by Hiroki Takahashi, Toru Ohkawa, Masaya Onosaka, and Daisuke Ono

;Ending theme: nihongo|"Ai Ai Gasa"|アイアイ傘 by Tegomass

Second Season

;Opening theme: "SILENT DESTINY" by Ōbuhantā 4 (Hiroki Takahashi, Toru Ohkawa, Masaya Onosaka, and Daisuke Ono)

;Ending them: nihongo|"Kataomoi no Chiisana Koi"|片想いの小さな恋 by Tegomass

ee also

* Angelique (Japanese series)


External links

* [ Official Anime Website] (Japanese)
*ann anime|id=9068
* [ Noblesse Oblige]
* [ Announcement of the second season dubbed Neo Angelique Abyss -Second Age-]

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