

name = "Arabis"

image_caption = "Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Brassicales
familia = Brassicaceae
genus = "Arabis"
genus_authority = Adans.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.|

"Arabis" (rockcress) is a genus of flowering plants, within the family Brassicaceae, subfamily Brassicoideae.

Though traditionally recognized as a large genus with many Old World and New World members, more recent evaluations of the relationships among these species using genetic data suggest that there are two major groups within the old genus "Arabis". These two groups are not each others closest relatives, so have been split into two separate genera. The Old World members all remain in the genus "Arabis", whereas most of the New World members have been moved into the genus "Boechera", with only a few remaining in "Arabis".

The species are herbaceous annual or perennial plants, growing to 10-80 cm tall, usually densely hairy, with simple entire to lobed leaves 1-6 cm long, and small white four-petalled flowers. The fruit is a long, slender capsule containing 10-20 or more seeds.

Some species, notably "A. alpina", are cultivated as ornamental plants in gardens. Many others are regarded as weeds.

;Selected species
*"Arabis aculeolata"
*"Arabis alaschanica"
*"Arabis alpina" (Alpine Rockcress)
*"Arabis amplexicaulis"
*"Arabis auriculata"
*"Arabis axilliflora"
*"Arabis bijuga"
*"Arabis blepharophylla" (Coast Rockcress)
*"Arabis breweri"
*"Arabis brownii" (Fringed Rockcress; syn. "A. hirsuta" var. "brownii")
*"Arabis canadensis"
*"Arabis cobrensis"
*"Arabis constancei"
*"Arabis dispar"
*"Arabis drummondii"
*"Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii"
*"Arabis glabra" (Tower Mustard)
*"Arabis hirsuta" (Hairy Rockcress)
*"Arabis hoffmanii"
*"Arabis holboellii"
*"Arabis inyoensis"
*"Arabis johnstonii"
*"Arabis kokonica"
*"Arabis lemmonii"
*"Arabis lyallii"
*"Arabis macdonaldiana"
*"Arabis modesta"
*"Arabis paniculata"
*"Arabis parishii"
*"Arabis pauciflora"
*"Arabis pendula"
*"Arabis pinzliae"
*"Arabis planisiliqua"
*"Arabis platysperma"
*"Arabis procurrens"
*"Arabis pterosperma"
*"Arabis puberula"
*"Arabis pulchra"
*"Arabis pygmaea"
*"Arabis recta" (Annual Rockcress)
*"Arabis repanda"
*"Arabis rollei"
*"Arabis scabra" (Bristol Rockcress)
*"Arabis serrata"
*"Arabis shockleyi"
*"Arabis subpinnatifida"
*"Arabis suffrutescens"
*"Arabis tibetica"
*"Arabis tiehmii"
*"Arabis turrita" (Tower Rockcress)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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