

Juno may refer to:

In mythology:
* Juno (mythology), the Roman goddess of marriage and queen of the gods

In astronomy and space exploration:
* 3 Juno, an asteroid
** Juno clump, a probable asteroid family in the vicinity of 3 Juno
* "Juno" (spacecraft), a planned NASA mission to Jupiter
* Juno I, a satellite launch vehicle
* Project Juno, a private British space programme

In film, television and video games:
* "Juno" (film), a 2007 Academy Award-winning comedy-drama
* "Jenny, Juno", a 2005 Korean film
* A character in the film "True Lies"
* A character on the television show "Pic Me"
* The main character in the video game "Jet Force Gemini"
* A character in the video game "Mega Man Legends"
* A character in the film "Beetlejuice"
* A character in the film "The Descent"In music:
* "Juno" (soundtrack), the soundtrack to the film "Juno"
* Juno (band), a musical group
* "Juno" (musical), a Broadway musical
* "Juneau" (song), a song by Funeral for a Friend
* Juno Award, a Canadian music award
* Juno Reactor, a trance music project
* Juno Records, an online music store
* Roland Juno-60, a synthesizer manufactured in the early 90s
* Roland Juno-106, a synthesizer manufactured in 1984
* Roland Juno-G, a synthesizer/workstation manufactured since 2006
* "Juno", a song by Throwing Muses on their album "House Tornado"
* "Juno", a song by Tokyo Police Club from their album "Elephant Shell"
* "Juno", a song by Life Without Buildings from their album "Any Other City"

In literature:
* Juno ("Dune"), a character in the "Dune" universe

People bearing this name:
* Juno Temple, an English actress
* Juno Mak, a Hong Kong music artist
* "Juno" Blair B, creator of the webcomic "Star Cross'd Destiny"

* HMS "Juno", the name of seven Royal Navy vessels
* Honda Juno, a scooter
* A locomotive in the South Devon Railway Dido class
* A locomotive in the GWR Banking Class

Other meanings:
* Juno, Georgia, a town
* Juno Beach, a landing site during World War II
* Juno Online Services, an internet service provider

ee also

* Juneau (disambiguation)
* Juno Beach (disambiguation)

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  • Juno — bezeichnet: Juno (Mythologie), die höchste römische Göttin in der römischen Mythologie, die der griechischen Göttin Hera gleichgesetzt wurde den Monat Juni (umgangssprachlich), wird zur besseren Abgrenzung zum Monat Juli („Julei“) verwendet die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Juno — puede referirse a: Juno, la diosa de la maternidad en la mitología romana; protectora de las mujeres, los compromisos, el Estado, reina del Olimpo y mujer de Júpiter. Juno, el tercer asteroide del Sistema Solar en ser descubierto. Juno, el nombre …   Wikipedia Español

  • Juno — Juno, 1) (Myth.), so v.w. Here, s.d. Daher Junonĭa (Junofeste), so v.w. Heräa. Junonisch, der Juno ähnlich, d.h. groß, majestätisch; so Junonische Augen, Junonische Blicke, Junonischer Wuchs etc.; 2) einer der kleinen Planeten zwischen Mars u.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Juno — Ju no (j[=u] n[ o]), n.; pl. {Junos} (j[=u] n[ o]z). [L.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Rom. Myth.) The queen of the Olympian gods, the sister and wife of Jupiter, and the goddess who presided over marriage. She corresponds to the Greek Hera. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Juno — f Irish: Anglicized form of ÚNA (SEE Úna), assimilated to the name of the Roman goddess Juno, consort of Jupiter …   First names dictionary

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  • Juno — Juno, altitalische Mondgöttin, der griech. Hera (s.d.) gleichgesetzt, Ehe und Geburtsgöttin (J. Pronuba, Lucina, Sospita), als Gattin des Jupiter Himmelskönigin (J. Regina). Die Hausfrauen begingen ihr zu Ehren 1. März die Matronalien. Ihr Tempel …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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