- Macrodipteryx
image_caption = Pennant-winged Nightjar, immature
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Caprimulgiformes
familia =Caprimulgidae
genus = "Macrodipteryx "
genus_authority =Swainson , 1837"Macrodipteryx" is a
genus ofAfrica n nightjars consisting of two species. They inhabit subtropical woodlands and the males of both species acquire strikingly elongated primaries in the breeding season.In Standard-winged Nightjar the shaft of the 9th primary becomes much elongated, while in Pennant-winged Nightjar the 9th primary grows to more than twice the body length. Both species have an insect-like call in the breeding season but are silent in the non-breeding season. The primaries of the females and immature males are boldly barred in rufous and brown. The wing and feather shapes differ from other African nightjars, the feathers being without clear emargination.
The breeding seasons of the two species don't overlap as the Standard-winged Nightjar disperses southwards for breeding in the late northern hemisphere winter, while the Pennant-winged Nightjar crosses the equator to breed in the early southern hemisphere summer.
* "Macrodipteryx longipennis"
* "Macrodipteryx vexillarius"References
# Zimmerman D.A. et al, 1996. "Birds of Kenya" ISBN 1 875091 04 1
# Maclean G.L., 1997. "Pennant-winged Nightjar" In: "The atlas of southern African birds" Vol. 1: Non-passerines ISBN 0 620 20729 9
# Sinclair I., Ryan P., 2003. "Birds of Africa south of the Sahara" ISBN 0 620 20729 9
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