In computer graphics, line clipping is the process of removing lines or portions of lines outside of an area of interest. Typically, any line or part thereof which is outside of the viewing area is removed.
There are two common algorithms for line clipping: Cohen-Sutherland and Liang-Barsky.
This algorithm divides a 2D space into 9 parts, of which only the middle part (viewport) is visible. The algorithm includes, excludes or partially includes the line based on where the two endpoints are:
* Both endpoints are in the viewport (bitwise OR of endpoints = 0): trivial accept. * Both endpoints are in the same part, which is not visible (bitwise AND of endpoints != 0): trivial reject. * Both endpoints are in different parts: In case of this non trivial situation the algorithm finds one of the two points that are outside the viewport (there is at least one point outside). The intersection of the outpoint and extended viewport border is then calculated (i.e. with the parametric equation for the line) and this new point replaces the outpoint. The algorithm repeats until a trivial accept or reject occurs.
The Liang-Barsky algorithm uses the parametric equation of a line and inequalities describing the range of the clipping box to determine the intersections between the line and the clipping box. With these intersections it knows which portion of the line should be drawn. This algorithm is significantly more efficient than Cohen-Sutherland.
Mark S. Sobkow, Paul Pospisil and Yee-Hong Yang. A Fast Two-Dimensional Line Clipping Algorithm via Line Encoding//Computer & Graphics, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 459-467, 1987.
C# implementation for Fast-Clipping algorithminternal sealed class FastClipping : IClippingAlgorithm { private Vector2 _clipMin, _clipMax;
public IEnumerable GetBoundingPolygon() { yield return _clipMin; yield return new Vector2(_clipMax.X, _clipMin.Y); yield return _clipMax; yield return new Vector2(_clipMin.X, _clipMax.Y); }
case 0x05: clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x06: clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x08: clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x09: clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x0A: clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
// left case 0x10: clipStartLeft(ref line); return true;
case 0x12: clipStartLeft(ref line); clipEndRight(ref line); return true;
case 0x14: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x16: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipEndBottom(ref line); if (line.End.X > _clipMax.X) clipEndRight(ref line); return true;
case 0x18: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x1A: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipEndTop(ref line); if (line.End.X > _clipMax.X) clipEndRight(ref line); return true;
// right case 0x20: clipStartRight(ref line); return true;
case 0x21: clipStartRight(ref line); clipEndLeft(ref line); return true;
case 0x24: clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x25: clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipEndBottom(ref line); if (line.End.X < _clipMin.X) clipEndLeft(ref line); return true;
case 0x28: clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x29: clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipEndTop(ref line); if (line.End.X < _clipMin.X) clipEndLeft(ref line); return true;
// bottom case 0x40: clipStartBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x41: clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.X < _clipMin.X) return false; clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x42: clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.X > _clipMax.X) return false; clipEndRight(ref line); return true;
case 0x48: clipStartBottom(ref line); clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x49: clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.X < _clipMin.X) return false; clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x4A: clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.X > _clipMax.X) return false; clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
// bottom-left case 0x50: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipStartBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x52: clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.X < _clipMin.X) clipStartLeft(ref line); return true;
case 0x58: clipEndTop(ref line); if (line.End.X < _clipMin.X) return false; clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.X < _clipMin.X) clipStartLeft(ref line); return true;
case 0x5A: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipEndTop(ref line); return true;
// bottom-right case 0x60: clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipStartBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x61: clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipStartBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.X > _clipMax.X) clipStartRight(ref line); return true;
case 0x68: clipEndTop(ref line); if (line.End.X > _clipMax.X) return false; clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipStartBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x69: clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipEndTop(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipStartBottom(ref line); return true;
// top case 0x80: clipStartTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x81: clipStartTop(ref line); if (line.Start.X < _clipMin.X) return false; clipEndLeft(ref line); return true;
case 0x82: clipStartTop(ref line); if (line.Start.X > _clipMax.X) return false; clipEndRight(ref line); return true;
case 0x84: clipStartTop(ref line); clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x85: clipStartTop(ref line); if (line.Start.X < _clipMin.X) return false; clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
case 0x86: clipStartTop(ref line); if (line.Start.X > _clipMax.X) return false; clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
// top-left case 0x90: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipStartTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x92: clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipStartTop(ref line); if (line.Start.X < _clipMin.X) clipStartLeft(ref line); return true;
case 0x94: clipEndBottom(ref line); if (line.End.X < _clipMin.X) return false; clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipStartTop(ref line); return true;
case 0x96: clipStartLeft(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; clipEndRight(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipStartTop(ref line); if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipEndBottom(ref line); return true;
// top-right case 0xA0: clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipStartTop(ref line); return true;
case 0xA1: clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipStartTop(ref line); if (line.Start.X > _clipMax.X) clipStartRight(ref line); return true;
case 0xA4: clipEndBottom(ref line); if (line.End.X > _clipMax.X) return false; clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipStartTop(ref line); return true;
case 0xA5: clipEndLeft(ref line); if (line.End.Y < _clipMin.Y) return false; clipStartRight(ref line); if (line.Start.Y > _clipMax.Y) return false; if (line.End.Y > _clipMax.Y) clipEndBottom(ref line); if (line.Start.Y < _clipMin.Y) clipStartTop(ref line); return true; }
return false; }
public ClippingCapabilities Capabilities { get { return ClippingCapabilities.RectangleWindow; } }
public override string ToString() { return "Fast-Clipping algorithm"; // This code was implemented by Grishul Eugeny as part of// preparation to exam in ITMO university
C# implementation for Cyrus-Beck algorithminternal sealed class CyrusBeckClipping : IClippingAlgorithm { private List _clipArea = new List(); private List _normals = new List();
public IEnumerable GetBoundingPolygon() { return _clipArea; }
public void SetBoundingRectangle(Vector2 start, Vector2 end) { _clipArea.Clear();
public ClippingCapabilities Capabilities { get { return ClippingCapabilities.ConvexWindow ClippingCapabilities.RectangleWindow; } }
public override string ToString() { return "Cyrus-Beck algorithm"; // This code was implemented by Grishul Eugeny as part of preparation// to exam in ITMO university
Clipping (computer graphics) — Any procedure which identifies that portion of a picture which is either inside or outside a picture is referred to as a clipping algorithm or clipping. The region against which an object is to be clipped is called clipping window. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Clipping (audio) — For shortening of voice snippets due to failures in voice activity detection, see squelch and voice activity detection. The altered peaks and troughs of the sinusoidal waveform displayed on this oscilloscope indicate the signal has been clipped.… … Wikipedia
Clipping (signal processing) — An oscilloscope screen of an amplifier clipping. The amplifier should be outputting a clean sine wave with rounded tops and bottoms, but instead they are cut off flat, or clipped . Clipping is a form of distortion that limits a signal once it… … Wikipedia
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Line-Pegel — Die Artikel Bezugswert (Akustik) und Bezugspegel überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Line Level — Die Artikel Bezugswert (Akustik) und Bezugspegel überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Line level — Die Artikel Bezugswert (Akustik) und Bezugspegel überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
clipping — First words during a telephone conversation (usually on an overseas channel) are broken off orclipped, because the line is being shared by many conversations … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm — The Sutherland Hodgman algorithm is used for clipping polygons. It works by extending each line of the clip polygon in turn and selecting only vertices from the subject polygon that are on the visible side.DescriptionBegin with a set of all… … Wikipedia
Racing line — In racing sports , the ideal line is the route the vehicle must take in order to minimize the time taken to complete the course.When analyzing a single corner, the optimum line is one that minimizes the time spent in the corner and maximizes the… … Wikipedia