List of World War II weapons of Germany

List of World War II weapons of Germany

= Weapons by popular name =

Few German weapons of World War II were given popular names, and those that were recognized officially as such numbered even fewer.

* Flakvierling: A concatenation of the official type designation for the four-barrel 20 mm antiaircraft cannon.
* Panzerfaust: A German weapon which went only by its name and not a traditional designation, the Panzerfaust was produced in a number of marks, each adding a new number after the name correlating to nominal range of the weapon
* "'Panzerschreck

Weapons by designation

The German designation system for weapons generally consisted of three portions. First was the calibre of the weapon, usually in cm, then the weapon type, often seen in abbreviated form, and then a series number relating to the year of the design. This system was not always adhered to, but was more consistent that that of many other nations. Additionally, there may be various suffixes added to the end of the designation to indicate specific variants, or at times the source of the weapon.

* 2 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 30: 20 mm antiaircraft gun
* 2 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 38: 20 mm antiaircraft gun
* 2 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone vierling 38: Quad 20 mm antiaircraft gun
* 2 cm Gebirgsflugzeugabwehrkanone 38: 20 mm mountain antiaircraft gun
* 2 cm Kampfwagenkanone 30: 20 mm L/55 vehicle gun
* 2 cm Kampfwagenkanone 38: 20 mm L/55 vehicle gun
* 3.7 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 36: 37 mm antiaircraft gun
* 3.7 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 37: 37 mm antiaircraft gun
* 3.7 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 43: 37 mm antiaircraft gun
* 3.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz 37: 37 mm infantry gun
* 3.7 cm Kampfwagenkanone 34(t): 37 mm tank gun
* 3.7 cm Kampfwagenkanone 38(t) 37 mm L/48.7 tank gun
* 3.7 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 35/36: 37 mm antitank gun
* 4.7 cm Panzerabwehrkanone (t): 47 mm L/43.4 antitank gun
* 5 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 41: 50 mm antiaircraft gun
* 5 cm Kampfwagenkanone 39: 50 mm tank gun
* 5 cm leichter Granatwerfer 36: 50 mm light mortar
* 5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 38: 50 mm antitank gun
* 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18: 75 mm infantry gun
* 7.5 cm Infanteriegeschütz 37: 75 mm infantry gun
* 7.5 cm Infanteriegeschütz 42: 75 mm infantry gun
* 7.5 cm Geb K 15: 75 mm mountain gun
* 7.5 cm GebG 36: 75 mm mountain gun
* 7.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40: 75 mm recoilless gun
* 7.5 cm FK 16 nA: 75 mm field gun
* 7.5 cm FK 18: 75 mm field gun
* 7.5 cm Feldkanone 38: 75 mm field gun
* 7.5 cm Feldkanone 97(f): 75 mm field gun of French origin
* 7.5 cm Feldkanone 231(f): 75 mm field gun of French origin
* 7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40: 75 mm antitank gun
* 7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 97/38: 75 mm antitank gun
* 7.62 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 36(r): captured 76.2 mm L/51.5 antitank gun
* 8 cm schwere Granatwerfer 34: 81 mm heavy mortar
* 8.8 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 18: 88 mm antiaircraft gun
* 8.8 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 41: 88 mm antiaircraft gun
* 8.8 cm Kampfwagenkanone 36: 88 mm tank gun
* 8.8 cm Kampfwagenkanone 43: 88 mm tank gun
* 8.8 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 43: 88 mm antitank gun
* 8.8 cm Raketenpanzerbüchse 43: 88 mm antitank rocket launcher
* 10.5 cm Gebirgshaubitze 40: 105 mm mountain gun
* 10.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40: 105 mm recoilless gun
* 10.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 42: 105 mm recoilless gun
* 10.5 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 38: 105 mm antiaircraft gun
* 10.5 cm Kanone 13(p): captured Polish Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider 105 mm gun
* 10.5 cm Kanone 29(p): captured Polish Armata wz. 29 105 mm gun
* 10.5 cm Kanone 331(f): captured French Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider 105 mm gun
* 10.5 cm Kanone 333(b): captured Belgian Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider 105 mm gun
* 10.5 cm Kanone 338(i): captured Italian Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider 105 mm gun
* 10.5 cm Kanone 338(j): captured Yugoslav Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider 105 mm gun
* 10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 18: 105 mm L/28 light howitzer
* 10.5 cm Kanone 17: 105 mm gun
* 10.5 cm schwere Kanone 18: 105 mm gun on same carriage as 15 cm sFH 18
* 10.5 cm schwere Kanone 18/40: 105 mm gun
* 12.8 cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone 40: 128 mm antiaircraft gun
* 12.8 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 44: 128 mm antitank gun
* 12.8 cm Kanone 81: 128 mm field gun on a variety of carriages
* 15 cm Kanone 18: 150 mm gun
* 15 cm Kanone 39: 150 mm gun
* 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18: 150 mm heavy field howitzer
* 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18/40: 150 mm heavy field howitzer
* 15 cm schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33: 150 mm L/11 heavy infantry gun
* 15.2 cm Kanone 433(r): 152 mm howitzer of Russian origin
* 17 cm Kanone 18: 170 mm gun
* 20.3 cm Haubitze 503(r): 203 mm howitzer of Russian origin
* 21 cm Haubitze 520(i): 210 mm howitzer of Italian origin (Obice da 210/22)
* 21 cm Mörser 18: 210 mm howitzer
* 21 cm Kanone 3: 240 mm gun
* 21 cm Kanone 4: 240 mm gun

Weapons by type

The Germans used a number of type designations for their weapons. Each section is headed by the official name for the weapon type along with its usual abbreviated form in parenthesis, followed by the weapons using the designation in series number order. Usually, the type designation and series number (i.e. FlaK 30) are sufficient to identify a system, but occasionally multiple systems of the same type are developed at the same time and share a designation, at which point one must reference the calibre to differentiate.

* Feldkanone (FK): Field gun
** FK 38: 75 mm field gun
** FK 97(f): 75 mm field gun of French origin
** FK 231(f): 75 mm field gun of French origin
* Flugzeugabwehrkanone (FlaK): Antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 18: 88 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 30: 20 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 36: 37 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 37: 37 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 38 (2 cm): 20 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 38 (10.5 cm): 105 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 40: 128 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 41 (5 cm): 50 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 41 (8.8 cm): 88 mm antiaircraft gun
** FlaK 43 (3.7 cm): 37 mm antiaircraft gun
* Flugzeugabwehrkanone vierling (FlaK v): Quad antiaircraft gun
** FlaK v 38: Quad 20 mm antiaircraft gun
* Gebirgsflugzeugabwehrkanone (GebFlaK): Mountain antiaircraft gun
** GebFlaK 38: 20 mm mountain antiaircraft gun
* Haubitze (H): Howitzer
** H 503(r): 203 mm howitzer of Russian origin
** H 520(i): 210 mm howitzer of Italian origin
** H M.1: 355 mm howitzer
* Kampfwagenkanone (KwK): Tank gun
** KwK 30: 20 mm L/55 vehicle gun
** KwK 34(t): 37 mm L/40 tank gun
** KwK 36: 88 mm tank gun
** KwK 38: 20 mm L/55 vehicle gun
** KwK 42: 7.5cm L/70 tank gun
** KwK 38(t): 37 mm L/48.7 tank gun
** KwK 39: 50 mm L/60 tank gun
** KwK 43: 88 mm L/71 tank gun
* Kanone (K): Gun/cannon
** K 3: 240 mm gun
** K 4: 240 mm gun
** K 18 (15 cm): 150 mm gun
** K 18 (17 cm): 170 mm gun
** K 39: 150 mm gun
** K 331(f): 105 mm gun of French origin
** K 333(b): 105 mm gun of Belgian origin
** K 433(r): 152 mm gun of Russian origin
** 105 mm Schwerer Kanone 18: 105 mm gun on same carriage as 15 cm sFH 18|sFH 18
* leichte Feldhaubitze (leFH): Light field howitzer
** leFH 18: 105 mm L/28 light field howitzer
* leichter Granatwerfer (leGrW): Light mortar
** 5 cm leichter Granatwerfer 36: 50 mm light mortar
* Maschinengewehr (MG): Machine gun
** MG 13: 7.92 mm machine gun
** MG 34: 7.92 mm machine gun
** MG 42: 7.92 mm machine gun
* Mörser (Mrs): Mortar
** Mrs 18: 210 mm mortar
* Panzerabwehrkanone (PaK): Antitank gun
** PaK 35/36: 37 mm antitank gun
** PaK 36(r): 76.2 mm L/51.5 antitank gun of Russian origin
** PaK 38: 50 mm antitank gun
** PaK 40: 75 mm antitank gun
** PaK 43: 88 mm antitank gun
** PaK 44: 128 mm antitank gun
** PaK 97/38: 75 mm antitank gun
* Raketenpanzerbüchse (RPzB): Antitank rocket launcher
** RPzB 43: 88 mm antitank rocket launcher
** RPzB 54: Antitank rocket launcher
* schwere Feldhaubitze (sFH): Heavy field howitzer
** sFH 18: 150 mm heavy field howitzer
** sFH 37(t): 150 mm heavy field howitzer of Czech origin
** sFH 443(r): 152 mm heavy field howitzer of Russian origin
* schwerer Granatwerfer (sGrW): Heavy mortar
** sGrW 34: 81 mm heavy mortar
** sGrW 43: 120 mm heavy mortar
* schweres Infanteriegeschütz (sIG): Heavy infantry gun
** sIG 33: 150 mm L/11 heavy infantry gun

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