- Sixty-eighth Texas Legislature
The 68th Texas Legislature met in regular session from
January 11 ,1983 toMay 30 ,1983 , and in two subsequent special called sessions (see below). All members present during this session were elected in the 1982 general elections.essions
Regular Session:
January 11 ,1983 -May 30 ,1983
1st Called Session:June 22 ,1983 -June 25 ,1983
2nd Called Session:June 4 ,1984 -July 3 ,1984 Party summary
* Lieutenant Governor:
William P. Hobby, Jr. , Democrat
* President Pro Tempore "(regular session)": J. Grant Jones, Democrat
* President Pro Tempore "(1st called session)":Lloyd Doggett , Democrat
* President Pro Tempore "(2nd called session)": Lindon Williams, DemocratHouse
* Speaker of the House: Gibson D. "Gib" Lewis, Democrat
Dist. 1
* Ed Howard (D), TexarkanaDist. 2
* Ted Lyon (D), RockwallDist. 3
* Don Adams (D), JasperDist. 4
* Carl A. Parker (D), Port ArthurDist. 5
* Kent A. Caperton (D), BryanDist. 6
* Lindon Williams (D), HoustonDist. 7
* Don Henderson (R), HoustonDist. 8
* Ike Harris (R), DallasDist. 9
*Chet Edwards (D), DuncanvilleDist. 10
* Bob McFarland (R), ArlingtonDist. 11
*Chet Brooks (D), HoustonDist. 12
* Hugh Q. Palmer (D), Fort WorthDist. 13
* Craig Washington (D), HoustonDist. 14
*Lloyd Doggett (D), AustinDist. 15
*John Whitmire (D), HoustonDist. 16
* John N. Leedom (R), DallasDist. 17
* J.E. "Buster" Brown (R), GalvestonDist. 18
*John Sharp (D), VictoriaDist. 19
* Glenn Kothmann (D), San AntonioDist. 20
* Carlos F. Truan (D), Corpus ChristiDist. 21
* John Traeger (D), SeguinDist. 22
* Bob Glasgow (D), StephenvilleDist. 23
* Oscar Mauzy (D), DallasDist. 24
* Grant Jones (D), AbileneDist. 25
* Bill Sims (D), San AngeloDist. 26
* R.L. "Bob" Vale (D), San AntonioDist. 27
* Raul Longoria (D), EdinburgDist. 28
* John T. Montford (D), LubbockDist. 29
* Tati Santiesteban (D), El PasoDist. 30
* Ray Farabee (D), Wichita FallsDist. 31
* Bill Sarpalius (D), AmarilloHouse
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.