- Rosanne Bailey
Infobox Military Person
name=Rosanne Baileyhttp://www.af.mil/shared/media/bio/hi_res/bailey_r2.jpg]
caption=Ro Bailey
nickname= Ro
allegiance=United States of America
branch=United States Air Force
serviceyears=1977 - 2006
rank=Brigadier General
commands=354th Logistics Group, Eielson AFB, Alaska,435th Air Base Wing ,Ramstein Air Base , andKaiserslautern Military Community ,Germany ,Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center , Cheyenne Mountain AFS, Colo.
awards=Defense Superior Service Medal ,Legion of Merit with threeoak leaf clusters ,Meritorious Service Medal with fouroak leaf clusters ,Joint Service Commendation Medal ,National Defense Service Medal withbronze star
laterwork=Vice chancellor for administrative services at UAFRosanne "Ro" Bailey, a retired Air Force brigadier general, was named vice chancellor for administrative services at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) in August 2006. She oversees administrative offices such as budget, business operations, purchasing, personnel, risk management, environmental health and safety, the fire and police departments, and facilities services. [ [http://www.uaf.edu/news/bio/bailey.html UAF Newsroom: Administrator Bios ] ]Career
Ro Bailey earned a Bachelor of Science degree with honors from
Purdue University in 1973. Commissioned a second lieutenant through Officer Training School in 1977, her early assignments include program analyst for the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System, systems officer for Air Force Systems Command, and program manager for the F/FB/EF-111 digital flight control system. In 1988, she won two research awards atAir Command and Staff College , from which she was a distinguished graduate.Ro Bailey has served as acquisition adviser to the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, and Commander of the 354th Logistics Group at Eielson AFB, Alaska. She has also served as Armament Product Group Manager and Detachment 5 Commander for the Aeronautical Systems Center at Eglin AFB, Fla., and Director of the Aeronautical Enterprise Program Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. She was Commander,
435th Air Base Wing , Ramstein Air Base, and Commander, Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, and Commander,Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center ,Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station , Colo., where she was responsible for executing the North American Aerospace Defense Command's integrated tactical warning and attack assessment mission, the U.S. Northern Command's homeland defense mission, and U.S. Strategic Command's space and missile warning support. [ [http://www.af.mil/bios/bio.asp?bioID=4581 Biographies : Brigadier General Rosanne Bailey ] ]Major Awards and Decorations
Defense Superior Service Medal
*Legion of Merit with threeoak leaf clusters
*Meritorious Service Medal with fouroak leaf clusters
*Joint Service Commendation Medal
*National Defense Service Medal withbronze star Other Achievements
* Dudley C. Sharp Logistics Award
* Major General Frederick J. Dau Award for best product group management in AFMC
* Distinguished graduate, Defense Systems Management CollegeReferences
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.