Hussein Ye

Hussein Ye

Infobox Writer

name = Hussein Ye
nationality = Chinese
occupation = Dawah, Islamic Hadith scholar

Hussein Ye (born 1950) is a Chinese scholar of Islam and former Buddhist who lectures regularly in the Asia-Pacific region and his lectures on Islam are frequently broadcasted on Peace TV.

Personal life

Early Years

Born into a Buddhist family, Hussein Ye embraced Islam at the age of 18. He pursued Islamic studies at the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia majoring in Hadith. After graduating in 1978, he joined the Muslim Welfare Organization, ‘Perkin', in Malaysia, which focuses on the well being of the new converts to Islam. Later he seconded as director of Islamic centre in Hong Kong. With his vast experience in Islamic Social Welfare and Da'wah work, he founded Al Khadim with a group of volunteers in 1984.

He also studied under one of the great scholars on Hadith of his time, Shaikh Muhammad Nasir Uddin Al Albani. After studying in Saudi Arabia, Hussein Ye became involved in various dawah organizations and is now a widely recognized Islamic personality giving talks in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe. [ [ Peace TV] ] . Furthermore, Hussein regularly appears on peace tv whereby he gives many lectures.

ee also

List of Notable Converts to Islam


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