

Sexploitation or "sex-exploitation" describe a class of independently produced, low budget feature films generally associated with the 1960s and serving largely as a vehicle for the exhibition of non-explicit sexual situations and/or gratuitous nudity. The term is often considered to designate a subgenre of exploitation films as a whole. Sexploitation films were generally exhibited in urban grindhouse theatres, the precursor to the adult movie theaters of the 1970s and '80s that featured hardcore content. The term soft-core is often used to designate non-explicit sexploitation films after the general legalization of hardcore content. Nudist films are often considered to be subgenres of the sex-exploitation genre as well.

White coaters

In the late 1960s, American obscenity laws were tested by the Swedish film "I Am Curious (Yellow)". Because the ruling by the United States Supreme Court allowed the film on the basis of its educational context, the late 1960s and early 1970s saw a number of sexploitation films which were widely referred to as "white coaters". In these films a doctor dressed in a white coat would give an introduction to the graphic content, thereby deeming it educational. "Language of Love" and other Swedish and American films capitalized on this idea until the laws were relaxed. [cite web | url= | title=Harry Reems Interview: Harry Reems lays it on the table | author=Harris, Will | | date=2005-08-31]

Notable sexploitation directors

ee also



* "RE/Search No. 10: Incredibly Strange Films" RE/Search Publications, 1986 by V. Vale, Andrea Juno, ISBN 0-940642-09-3
* "" (1994) by Cathal Tohill and Pete Tombs, ISBN 0-312-13519-X

External links

* Sexploitation Movies: [ Definition and data base]
* Razor Reel: [ Sexploitation: Art of perversion ]
* Atomic Cinema: []
* Razor Reel: [ Sexploitation: The European Story]
* Something Weird: Popular online resource for Sexploitation movies]
* Interview with Stephanie Rothman:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Sexploitation — (сексплотэйшн/сексплуатация) кинематографический жанр категории эксплуатационное кино. В фильмах данного жанра эксплуатируются и освещаются разнообразные аспекты человеческой сексуальности. Черты описываемого жанра, по сути, содержатся во… …   Википедия

  • sexploitation — 1942, from SEX (Cf. sex) + EXPLOITATION (Cf. exploitation) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • sexploitation — noun Etymology: blend of sex and exploitation Date: circa 1942 the exploitation of sex in the media and especially in film …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sexploitation — /sek sploy tay sheuhn/, n. Informal. the exploitation of sex in films, magazines, etc. [1940 45; b. SEX and EXPLOITATION] * * * …   Universalium

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  • sexploitation — n. exploitation of sex; deliberate use of explicit sexual scenes in a film to attract larger groups of viewers …   English contemporary dictionary

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