- Kamešnica
Kamešnica is a
mountain bordering southwestBosnia and Herzegovina andCroatia (Dalmatia ). It is an extension of theDinara that stretches from the northwest white road pass Vaganj (1173m) to Buško jezero (artificial lake). Most of Kamešnica belongs to Bosnia, including the tallest peak named Konj ("Horse") (1852 m) with a magnificent view of Bosnia and Croatia. During clear weather, even the islands of theAdriatic Sea can be seen.Thanks to its geographical position, Kamešnica is a favorable habitat for plant and animal species. It has many hiking paths and deep caves. The ecosystem of the northern parts of the mountain has been completely preserved due to its inaccessible and isolated position, and to the thick forest that surrounds it. Six or seven months per a year, most of Kamešnica's peaks are covered by snow.
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