

Infobox German Location
Name = Ludwigslust
image_photo = SchlossLudwigslust.jpg
image_caption = Ludwigslust Castle
Art = Stadt
Wappen = Ludwigslust-Wappen.pnglat_deg = 53 | lat_min = 19 | lat_sec=0
lon_deg = 11 | lon_min = 29 | lon_sec=0
Lageplan = Ludwigslust_in_LWL.pngLageplanbeschreibung =
Bundesland = Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Landkreis = Ludwigslust
Höhe = 35
Fläche = 78.30
Einwohner = 12815
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 19288
Vorwahl = 03874
Kfz = LWL
Gemeindeschlüssel = 13 0 54 069
Gliederung = 7 Ortsteile
Adresse = Schloßstraße 38
19288 Ludwigslust
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Hans Jürgen Zimmermann
Partei = Grüne

Ludwigslust (IPA-de|luːtvɪçsˈlʊst) is a town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, 40 km south of Schwerin. It is the capital of the district of Ludwigslust.


Ludwigslust is a relatively young town. In 1724 Prince Ludwig, the son of Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, decided to build a hunting lodge near a small hamlet called Klenow. Later, when he took over the reign, he stayed most time at this residence and called it "Ludwigslust" ("Ludwig's joy"). In 1765 Ludwigslust became the capital of the duchy instead of Schwerin. The town was enlarged by a residential palace (the Schloss). This situation lasted until 1837, when Grand Duke Paul Friedrich returned the capital status to Schwerin.


* Schloss Ludwigslust, a Baroque residential palace built in 1772-1776, after plans by Johann Joachim Busch. It is known as the "Little Versailles in Mecklenburg". The palace is located in the middle of the Schlosspark, a vast park (120 ha.), laid in English style, with canals, fountains and artificial cascades.
* The Stadtkirche (Municipal Church), built in 1765-1770 in Neoclassical style with Baroque influences. Its classical design, with a portico resting on six Doric columns, gives the church the appearance of a Greek temple.

External links

* [ official site (town)]
* [ official site (county)]

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