

Hubbing is a metalworking process that is used to make dies. It is a cold-working process, which means that the temperature of the blank is not raised.

Hubbing process

In hubbing, a male hub (master) is created with a profile that will form an impression on the female piece. The male hub is generally hardened and the female die block softened by annealing to help form the impression. As the metal flows the face of the die block is deformed, and, generally, must be machined flat. The die block is often a cylinder that is reinforced with a surrounding steel ring during the hubbing process. Hubbing is usually less expensive than die sinking, i.e., machining the female die, and a multiple dies can be made from the male hub.

ee also

*Die making


*DeGarmo, E. Paul, J T. Black, and Ronald A. Kohser. "Materials and Processes in Manufacturing". Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997. ISBN 0-02-328621-0

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