East Siberian Laika

East Siberian Laika

Infobox Dogbreed
name= East Siberian Laika

image_caption= East Siberian Laika, young dog.
country= Russia
fcigroup= 5
fcisection= 2
fcinum= 305

The East Siberian Laika (Vostotchno-Sibirskaia Laika) is a Russian breed of dog of spitz type, a hunting dog originating in parts of Siberia east of the Yenisei River.



Male 55-66 cm; female 51-60 cm.Black and tan, with light patches (called karamis), grizzle, patched, ticked, white, grey, black, red and brown of all shades. There are two major types, the Evenki and the Irkutsk; other less important types are the Yakutia, Amur and Tofolar. These types vary in color and physique, as the ESL is still more of a diverse conglomerate breed than the other three Russian Laika breeds. Physically the ESL is somewhat rangy, nearly square in proportion, slightly higher at the withers than at the croup, robust in bone; head shape varies with the regional varieties. Ears are erect and triangular, the tail carried in a curve over the back. The coat is a medium long double coat with straight coarse guard hair and a soft thick undercoat.


The ESL is a natural hunting dog used for a wide variety of small and large game, ranging from squirrels, marten, sable, and grouse to moose, bear, wild boar and mountain lions. They can also be used as sled dogs.


Highly aggressive towards large predators, they are calm and well-tempered with people, although they can be good watchdogs and if encouraged will be protective against human intruders. Generally they seem to be good companion dogs.

Origin and History

The breed designation was established at the All-Union Cynological Congress in 1947, along with that of the other three Laika breeds. The breed originated with dogs from the Lake Baikal region, Irkutsk Province, Evenki National Territory, the Amur River basin and Maritime Territory. The first breed standard was set by wildlife biologist K. G. Abramov. Systematic breeding began in the 1970s in government kennels at Irkutsk and in Leningrad.


*Voilotchnikov, A.T. and Voilotchnikova, S.D. Hunting Laikas, . Moscow: Forest Industry Publishing House 1982. ru icon
*Voilotchnikov, A. T. and Voilotchnikova, S.D.Laikas and Hunting With Them . Moscow: Forest Industry Publishing House, 1972. ru icon
*Beregovoy, Vladimir [http://www.laikabreeds.multiservers.com Hunting Laika Breeds of Russia.] Crystal Dream Publishing, 2001. en icon
*Maria Georgievna Dmitrieva-Sulima [http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/1475320/ "The Laika, and Hunting with Laika"] ("Лайка и охота с ней"). (2003, original edition 1911). Aquarium Book, ISBN 978-5-94838-125-1. ru icon

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