- WinCapita
WinCapita, previously WinClub, was an
Internet -based investment. It operated on the Finnish market, with a smaller number of members also inSweden . In March 2008, the company came under investigation by the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation based on allegations of operating apyramid scheme or aPonzi scheme cite web | url = http://www.poliisi.fi/poliisi/krp/home.nsf/pfbd/3361191AB7020577C22574170050B82B?opendocument | title = WinCapitan toiminnasta käynnistetty esitutkinta | work = Keskusrikospoliisi | date = 2008-03-25 | language = Finnish | accessdate=2008-03-26 ] .The company presented itself as an invitation-only
foreign exchange investment club that required an initial investment of several thousandeuro s, while promising up to 400% returns in investmentcite web | url = http://www.aamulehti.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/74617.shtml | title = WinCapita -sijoitusklubi katosi - ja sijoitusrahat myös | work = Aamulehti | date = 2008-03-17 | language = Finnish | accessdate=2008-03-26 ] .The investment company has been in operation since
2005 . The web site of the company was abruptly closed in March2008 , prompting growing alarm from investors. Almost four hundred criminal suits have been filed against the company. The investigation is still ongoing.The company itself was registered in
Panama . [cite web | url = http://www.yle.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/oikea/id85609.html | title = Poliisi selvittää mystisen sijoitusklubin toimintaa | date = 2008-03-18 | work = YLE Uutiset | language = Finnish | accessdate=2008-03-26 ] According to the National Bureau of Investigation, approximately 10 000 people had invested at least 69 million euro in the company.cite web | url = http://www.yle.fi/news/id86227.html | title = Investigation Launched into Suspected Investment Scam | date = 2008-03-25 | work = YLE News | accessdate=2008-03-26 ] cite web | url = http://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/artikkeli/Poliisi+aloitti+esitutkinnan+sijoitusklubi+WinCapitasta/1135235044642 | title = Poliisi aloitti esitutkinnan sijoitusklubi WinCapitasta | date = 2008-03-25 | work = Helsingin Sanomat | language = Finnish | accessdate=2008-03-26 ] [cite web | url=http://www.poliisi.fi/poliisi/krp/home.nsf/PFBD/ABB72DA76D021A60C225742700286BAC | title = WinCapitan tutkinta | date = 2008-04-10 | work = Keskusrikospoliisi | language = Finnish | accessdate = 2008-04-10 ]References
External links
* [http://www.aamulehti.fi/teema/wincapita/ Collection of articles from Aamulehti] fi icon
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