UPC Broadband

UPC Broadband

Infobox Company
company_name = UPC Broadband
Liberty Global, Inc.
company_type = Private company
foundation = as "United Philips Cable", Netherlands
location =
key_people = President and Chief Operating Officer of UPC Broadband, Gene M. Musselman
area_served = Ireland, Romania, Poland, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia, Belgium, Slovenia, Hungary
industry = Communications
products = Cable television, communications
revenue =
operating_income =
net_income =
num_employees =
parent = Liberty Global, Inc.
subsid =
homepage = [http://www.lgi.com/ Liberty Global] , [http://www.upc.nl/ UPC Netherlands]
footnotes =

UPC Broadband is a Pan-European Communications company owned by Liberty Global and is active in several European countries providing bundled cable television, internet and telephone services.

UPC was founded in the Netherlands, originally as "United Philips Cable" and later "Pan-Europe Communications", before being bought out by Liberty Global. UPC serves about 6.6 million analogue cable television subscribers in 12 countries of Europe, and is the absolutely dominant provider in countries like the Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic. UPC has previously had operations in France, Sweden and Norway but these business units have been sold off.

In Ireland, UPC have approximately 1,769,292 customers or 41.7%, [ [http://www.ntl.ie/index.php?PageID=1058 NTL report approximate customer number in Ireland, for Chorus and NTL] ] [ [http://www.cso.ie/statistics/size_of_households.htm Irish Central Statistics Office figures for average number of persons per household] ]

In 2005, Liberty Global Europe bought the Romanian communications company Astral Telecom for $420 million, the Swiss communications company Cablecom for CHF2.8 billion, and the Slovenian communications company UPC Telemach for EUR71 million. In 2007 UPC Telemach also bought 66.7% [http://www.delo.si/index.php?sv_path=41,36,217954] of Ljubljanski kabel (major competition in Ljubljana) and grew its market share to 40% in Slovenia.

Liberty Global's European operations is divided into two business units, UPC Broadband and Chello, or Chellomedia; which is also a very large media provider on the European continent.

Companies in the UPC unit:

*Cablecom Switzerland
*UPC Belgium/Telenet
*UPC Austria
*UPC Czech Republic
*UPC Hungary
*UPC Ireland
*UPC Netherlands
*UPC Poland
*UPC Romania
*UPC Broadband Slovakia
*UPC Telemach Slovenia


External links

* [http://www.lgi.com/ Liberty Global Corporate Website]
* [http://www.upc.ie/ UPC Ireland]
* [http://www.upc.ro/ UPC Romania]
* [http://www.upc.at/ UPC Austria]
* [http://www.upc.nl/ UPC Netherlands]
* [http://www.upc.cz/ UPC Czech Republic]
* [http://www.upc.sk/ UPC Slovakia]
* [http://www.upc.hu/ UPC Hungary]
* [http://www.upc.si/ UPC Telemach Slovenia]
* [http://www.upc.pl/ UPC Poland]
* [http://www.telenet.be/ UPC Belgium/Telenet]
* [http://www.cablecom.ch/ Cablecom Switzerland]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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