First Statement

First Statement

First Statement was a Canadian literary magazine published in Montreal, Quebec from 1942 to 1945. During its short life the magazine, along with its rival publication "Preview" with which it often shared contributors, provided one of the few publication avenues for modernist Canadian poetry at a time when Canadian literature tended to be dominated by a more conservative aesthetic. John Sutherland and his sister Betty Sutherland (both half-siblings of the actor Donald Sutherland) established "First Statement" after a group of John Sutherland's poems was rejected by "Preview", edited by Patrick Anderson.

What began as a mimeographed publications of a few stapled sheets grew within three years into a larger magazine of tentatively national significance (it had editorial representatives in Vancouver although its core circulation was small -- about 75 copies per issue). A year into its history, Canadian poets Louis Dudek and Irving Layton joined the magazines editorial board; both would go on to become major figures in Canadian literature. The so-called First Statement Group aligned itself with the cosmopolitan aesthetic in Canadian poetry, drawing inspiration from such "avant-garde" American poets as Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams. This placed the editorial policy of "First Statement" somewhat in opposition with that of "Preview", which tended to favour such British anti-modernists as W. H. Auden and Dylan Thomas. Despite these differences, the rivalry between the two magazines was never strong, and A. M. Klein, F. R. Scott, and other important poets published in both periodicals.

In 1945 Sutherland, by now the major figurehead at "First Statement", established First Statement Press, which outlived the magazine itself until well into the 1950s. Significant books published by First Statement Press included "", Canada's first anthology to feature modernist poetry exclusively (after F.R Scott and A.J.M. Smith published "New Provinces" in 1936); Layton's first two monographs, "Here and Now" (1945) and "Now is the Place" (1948); Anderson's "A Tent for April" and Miriam Waddington's "Green World" (both 1945), along with collections by Raymond Souster and Anne Wilkinson.

In 1945 "First Statement" merged with "Preview" to become "Northern Review", a larger and more widely distributed publication that lasted until its managing editor Sutherland's death from cancer in 1956. Today, all of these publications continue to be recognized as some of the important little magazines in Canadian literary history and as important forerunners of later critical and literary journals in Canada, such as "Canadian Literature", the "Tamarack Review", and "The Fiddlehead".


*Dudek, Louis, and Michael Gnarowski, eds. "The Making of Modern Poetry in Canada". Toronto: Ryerson, 1967.
*"First Statement". Entry in "The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature". Ed. William Toye. Oxford University Press, 1983.
*Sutherland, John. "Essays, Controversies and Poems". Ed. Miriam Waddington. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart (NCL), 1972.
*Sutherland, John. "The Letters of John Sutherland, 1942-1956." Ed. Bruce Whiteman. Toronto: ECW Press, 1992.

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