- O'Neills of Puerto Rico
The O'Neills of Puerto Rico are the descendants of various O'Neill families, mainly soldiers of Irish and Spanish ancestry who emigrated and settled on northern coast of the island of Puerto Rico during the 1700s and early 1800s.
The O'Neills in the Caribbean
There were many O'Neills in the
Caribbean especially the Counts of Tyron of theAodh Mór mac Feardorcha Ó Néill line. Don Patrick O'Neill was born in theSpanish Netherlands (modern dayBelgium ) in1622 and given the courtesy title of Count of Tyrone in deference to his father's title which was taken upon the death ofHugh O'Neill inRome 1616 .Patrick O'Neill and his cousin Eoghan Rua Ó Néill, anglicized asOwen Roe O'Neill (c. 1590–1649) "Red Owen", was a seventeenth century soldier and one of the most famous of the O'Neill family of Ulster O'Neill was the son ofArt O'Neill , a younger brother ofHugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone . As a young man, left Ireland in theFlight of the Earls to escape the English conquest of his nativeUlster . He grew up in the Spanish Netherlands and spent 40 years serving in the Irish regiment of the Spanish army. He saw most of his combat in theEighty Years' War against theDutch Republic inFlanders , notably at the siege ofArras , where he commanded the Spanish garrison. O'Neill was, like many Gaelic Irish officers in the Spanish service, very hostile to the English Protestant presence in Ireland. Both cousins returned to Ireland during theIrish Rebellion of 1641 to fight in theIrish Confederate Wars . Owen Roe O'Neill was poisoned by theCromwell supporters and died in1649 . Patrick O'Neill left Ireland and took loyalty and arms for theKing of France and moved his family to the Island ofMartinique there they lived for 200 years. In the 1641 Irish Rebellion Sir Henry O'Neill remained loyal to the English crown while his sons and brothers played a prominent part in the1641 Irish Rebellion , resulting in the confiscation his lands were divided up among a number of Cromwellian settlers ; the chief beneficiary was Thomas Ball whose various grants totalled more than 6,000 acres.Sir Henry O'Neill was banished toConnaught , Ireland . Where he was awarded a estate inCo. Mayo, Ireland . His son Henry O'Neill (Enrique O'Neill) in1755 the 99 years lease on his lands in Meelick, Carrowrory and Carrowconnell expired. Henry (Enrique) O'Neill and his wife HannaO'Kelly , the daughter ofcounselor John O'Kelly ofKeenagh, Co. Roscommon moved his family to Spain about1758 . In the result of aJames Knox of Moyne of Killala, Co. Mayo took steps against O’Neill’s to confiscate his lands. During the Cromwell and the EnglishProtestant labored to give war with the policy of extermination of the Irish. The inhuman methods of selling Irish haveslaves toplantation owners in theLeeward Islands especiallyMonseratte and other British governed Islands. The Leeward Islands lie east of Puerto Rico this gave the perfect opportunity for the veterans of the Irish wars andSpanish Regiments who had fought in the SpanishNetherlands to exact revenge. Sometimes allied with French troops the attacked the British colonies most of the time resulting in theextermination ofEnglish plantation owners and the native inhabitants in these Islands.The O'Neills in Puerto Rico
The English controlled the island of St. Croix until
1650 . In that year the Spanish sent afleet of 5 ships and 1,200 men toSt. Croix from Puerto Rico and slaughtered every man, woman and child. After only 15 years of domination, the English were ousted. History shows that the O’Neill’s had previous knowledge of the Islands with the names of Rocco ,Eammon ,Constatino orConn the name possibly referring toConn O'Neill, 1st Earl of Tyrone ,Eoghan , Edmundo & Gill these were men who first in theUltonia andHibernia regiments for the Crown of Spain sometimes allied with the French to eliminate the English from these Islands.Most O'Neill's of Puerto Rico families have for many generations resided in the districs of Hato Nuevo, Mamey and Sonadora of the city of Guaynabo located on the Northern coast of the Island of Puerto Rico. Other O'Neill families also have settled in the city of Rio Piedras and the city of Caguas. Many other O'Neill families that immigrated from
Barbados settled on the Island ofViques . The O'Neill's have produce a few mayors in their respected cities.1849 Arturo O'Neill, Mayor ofBayamon .
1851- 1852 Felix O'Neill, Mayor of Bayamon.
1852 Arturo O'Neill, Mayor ofToa Alta .
1853 Arturo O'Neill, Mayor ofToa Baja .
1854 Felix O'Neill, Mayor ofCaguas .
1854-1856 Felix O'Neill ,Mayor ofPonce .
1867 Enrique O'Neill, Mayor of Ponce.The decendants of Don Enrique O'Neill of the Fews
In 1755 the 99 years lease on his lands in
Meelick ,Carrowrory andCarrowconnell expired. Henry (Enrique) O'Neill and his wife Hanna O'Kelly , the daughter of counsellor John O'Kelly ofKeenagh , Co. Roscommon moved his family toSpain about1758 . They became the parents of Don Arturo O'Neill de Tyrone born in 1736Dublin, Ireland . Latter known by the title of the 1st Marques Del Norte and Governor of theYucatan in 10.03.1792. The successor of Don Jose Sabido de Vargas. NamedGovernor ofWest Florida and named into theSupreme Council of War of Spain (replacing Governor Miguel de Uztaraiz). His brotherLieutenant .Colonel .Niall 'Nicolas' O'Neill O'Kelly was b. 1734 died atSaragossa ,Spain .Don Tulio O'Neill O'Kelly married Catherine O'Keffe y Whalen and became the parents of Arturo O'Neill O'Keffe and Tulio O'Neill O'Keffe born in St. Croix in1784 became aGeneral and won many distinctions during thePeninsular War . He married Manuela de Castilla the daughter of a Spanish Nobel. They became parents of Don Juan Antonio Luis O'Neill born in 1812 who married Dona Luisa deSalamanca . He latter inherited his mothers titles in 1847. Marques de la Granja, Marques de Caltojar,Count of Benajiar and Marques de Valdeosera (d.1877). From then on they are known as theO'Neill's of the Fews ofSeville . Don Arturo O'NeillO'Keffe was born1783 in St. Croix. Became Lieut. Colonel in 17.08.1828 inBayamon , Puerto Rico. AKnight of theRoyal Order ofKing Carlos the 3rd of Spain and 2ndMarques del Norte. He died in Sept 7,1832 and is buried in theRoman Catholic Church ofFrederiksted , Saint Croix (Santa Cruz). He was married to Joanna Chabert Heyliger on April 19,1802 in St. Croix. Recent findings are showing that other O'Neill's did settled in Puerto Rico in the 1770s or early 1700s in orders of the Spanish Royal Courts. The earliest record show that of a man named Patricio O'Neill arrived in Puerto Rico in the 1770s.*Tulio Luis O'Neill y Chabert b. 17.06.
1808 in St.Croix.
*Arturo O'Neill y Chabert b. 25.08.1820 inLoyza , Puerto Rico baptized in Loyza, Puerto Rico 07.09.1821 .
* Micaela Ulpiana O'Neill y Chabert b. 03.04.1825 in Puerto Ricobaptized has the daughter of theMarques del Norte in San Juan ,Puerto Rico.
* Gonzalo O'Neill y Chabert b. 20.08.1829 Rio Piedras , Puerto Rico baptized in 31.03.1830 in San Juan,Puerto Rico .
* Arturo Eustasio O'Neill Andino born in San Juan, Puerto Rico 29.03.1857.
*Arturo O'Neill Abajo born inMadrid circa1890 died 3.012.1936 .
*Arturo O'Neill Pecino died at the age of 17 in 1.03.1937
*Diego Arturo Ricardo Próculo O'Neill Pecino. born in 14.04.1922.
* Arturo César O'Neill deTyrone Daneyko born inOviedo ,Asturias , 9.10.1950
* Carlos O'Neill Pecino
* Margarita O'Neill Pecino
* Africa O'Neill Pecino
*Miguel O'Neill Pecino
* Luis O'Neill Pecino
* María del Rosario Magdalena O'Neill Abajo born in San Juan,Puerto Rico 22.07.1895 .From this O'Neill family line descends the true
O'Neill Mór and Chief of the O'Neill's."El 6 de diciembre de 1816, el sobrino del I Marqués del Norte, también llamado D Arturo O'Neill solicitó al rey se le expidiese la correspondiente carta de sucesión tras haber tomado posesión del vinculo ante D Joaquin Almazán del Consejo de S. M. y teniente corregidor en Madrid el día anterior según testimonio del escribano de Madrid, Antonio Lopez de Salazar. Previa la expedición de la real carta de sucesión pagó 20,361 reales y 3 maravedis por los derechos sucesorios."
The O'Neills military service and honors 1600s - 1800s
* Capt. Tirlough O’Neill, Grandson of Feilimidhe O'Neill, served in the Spanish army after the English government offered a price for his head.
* Lieutenant. Colonel Tirlough O'Neill b. 1690. Served in the Regiments of Berwick,
Waterford and Hibernia regiments. Killed by Muslims raiders in 1748.* Lieutenant.
General Brian O’Neill, Served many years in the Spanish Netherlands under General. Owen Roe O'Neill's Regiments in Flanders. Was one of the key planners of the 1641 Irish Rebellion.* Colonel. Art Og O'Neill b. 1622 d. 1663. Fought in the 1641 Irish Rebellion. served in the Spanish Irish Regiments of Tyrone. Knight of the
Order of Calatrava 1662.* Colonel. Jose O'Neill, served under Nicolas (Niall) O'Neill de Tyrone O'Kelly in the Regiments of Irlanda.
* Colonel. Terencio (Terence) O'Neill b. 9.3.1759. Knight of the
Order of Santiago in 1786. Served in the Regiment of Hibernia.
* Lieutenant General. Felix O'Neill b. 1720 d. 1795. Served in the Spanish Army.* Brigadier. Felix O'Neill d. 1812 . Served in the
Regiment ofHibernia .* Captain General. Juan O'Neill b. 1765 d. 1808.
* Captain General. Felix O'Neill d. 1862 .Knight of the Order of King Carlos III.* Captain. Henry O'Neill.
* Lieutenant Colonel. Nicolas (Niall) O'Neill de Tyrone O'Kelly b. 1734.
* Lieutenant Colonel. Arturo O'Neill de Tyrone O'Kelly. b 1736 d. 1814* General . Tulio O'Neill O’Keeffe b. 1784 d. 1855. Colonel of the regiments of the Princess. Knight of the Grand Order of San Fernando.
* Lieutenant General . Arturo O'Neill O’Keeffe b. 1783. Knight of the Royal Order of King Carlos III. Captain of the 1st
battallion of militias of infantry of Puerto Rico.* Lieutenant. Arturo Eustasio O'Neill Andino b. 29.03.1857, served in the Infantry of Puerto Rico for the Spanish crown, Grandson of Lieutenant General. Arturo O'Neill O’Keeffe.
* Captain. Arturo O'Neill Abajo b.1890 (Madrid). d. 3.12.1936. Great-grandson of Lieut. General Arturo O'Neill O’Keeffe.
* Sir. William Johnson . born 1715, Smithtown, County Meath, Ireland. d. 6.11.1774, near Johnstown, N.Y. A British colonial official. In 1737 he emigrated from Ireland and settled in New York's
Mohawk Valley. In 1746 he was appointed colonel of theIroquois Confederacy .* John Johnson, 2nd Baronet Sir John Johnson, 2nd Baronet born . 11.05.1741. A loyalist leader during the
American Revolution . He was the son of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs Sir William Johnson, 1st Baronet, who had promoted the British settlement of the Mohawk Valley and founded the community of Johnstown in Tryone County in theProvince of New York.*Brian O'Neill , Son of Tiege O'Neill , a
mercenary in France andPortugal .* John O'Neill ,Son of Teige and brother of Brian O'Neill, a mercenary in France and Portugal .
* General. John "
Count of Tyrone ” O'Neill, Served in the Spanish army in the Spanish Netherlands.* General. Owen Roe O'Neill, d. 1649. Served the in the Spanish army in the Spanish Netherlands. Commander of the Irish Confederate Forces in 1640's Irish Rebellion.
* Colonel. Eoghan (Owen) O'Neill, served in the armies of France.
* Officer Luaghadh (Lewis) O'Neil , served in the armies of France.
* Colonel. Gordon O'Neill, Leader of the Ulster Jacobites.Genetics and Y-DNA
Only a few O'Neills of Puerto Rico have
Y-DNA tested to discover theirgenetic origins and to see they all share one common ancestry. The two results have been acquired one member being of theHaplogroup J2 (Y-DNA) and another of theHaplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) sub clades.
*Y-DNA Haplotype shows a possible ancestry among a ancientNorth Germanic tribe , no geneticgenealogist so far has been able to find or can explain the origins of thehaplotype .
*http://www.wfnforum.net/index.php?topic=7647.0See also
Owen Roe O'Neill
*Chiefs of the Name#List of Ireland's Chiefs as at Abandonment, 2003
*Battle of St. George's Caye
*List of Colonial Governors of Florida External links
The Spanish Monarchy and Irish
Mercenaries ,R.A.Stradling The O' Neills in Spain, Spanish Knights of Irish Origin, Destruction by Peace,
Micheline Kerney Walsh . The Irish Sword, Vol 4-11Erin's Blood Royal : The Gaelic Nobel Dynasties of Ireland,Peter Beresford Ellis The
Wild Geese ,Mark G. McLaughlin . Wild Geese in Spanish Flanders,1582-1700, B. Jennings.General History of Martinique, 1650-1699
Archivo General de Simancas
Archivo General de Indias
Archivo de la Chancilleria de
Valladolid Archivo Histórico Nacional, Spain
Registro demografico de Puerto Rico
Obispado de San Juan, Puerto Rico
The History of Irish Brigades in the service of France, Shannon (1969)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.