- Crossing symmetry
quantum field theory , a branch of theoretical physics, crossing symmetry is a symmetry that relatesS-matrix elements. Interaction processes involving different kinds of particles can be obtained from each other by replacing incoming particles with outgoing antiparticles after taking theanalytic continuation .General overview
Consider an amplitude mathcal{M}( phi (p) + ... ightarrow ...) . We concentrate our attention on one of the incoming particles with momentum p. The quantum field phi (p) , corresponding to the particle is allowed to be either bosonic or fermionic. Crossing symmetry states that we can relate the amplitude of this process to the amplitude of a similar process with an outgoing antiparticle ar{phi} (-p) replacing the incoming particle phi (p) : mathcal{M}( phi (p) + ... ightarrow ...)=mathcal{M}( ... ightarrow ... + ar{phi} (p) ) .
In bosonic case, the idea behind crossing symmetry can be understood intuitively using Feynman diagrams. Consider any process involving an incoming particle with momentum p. For the particle to give a measurable contribution to the amplitude, it has to interact with a number of different particles with momenta k_{1}, k_{2}, ... , k_{n} via a vertex. Conservation of momentum implies sum_{k=1}^{n} q_{k}=p . In case of an outgoing particle, conservation of momentum reads as sum_{k=1}^{n}q_{k}=-p . Thus, replacing an incoming boson with an outgoing antiboson with oppisite momentum yields the same S-matrix element.
In fermionic case, one can apply the same argument but now the relative phase convention for the external spinors must be taken into account.
For example, the
annihilation of anelectron with apositron into twophoton s is related to anelastic scattering of an electron with a photon by crossing symmetry. This relation allows to calculate thescattering amplitude of one process from the amplitude for the other process if negative values ofenergy of some particles are substituted.Further reading
* cite book
author = M. Peskin, D. Schroeder
title = An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
publisher = Westview Press
date = 1995
pages = 155
isbn = 0-201-50397-2ee also
Feynman diagram
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