

name = "Eupholus"

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Coleoptera
familia = Curculionidae
genus = "Eupholus"
subdivision_ranks = Some Species
subdivision ="Eupholus albofasciatus"
"Eupholus amaliae"
"Eupholus bennetti"
"Eupholus browni"
"Eupholus chaminadei"
"Eupholus chevrolatii"
"Eupholus cuvierii"
"Eupholus euphrosyne"
"Eupholus linnei"
"Eupholus loriae"
"Eupholus magnificus"
"Eupholus messegieri"
"Eupholus mimikanus"
"Eupholus nickerli"
"Eupholus schoenherrii"

"Eupholus" is a genus of beetle in the family Curculionidae. The species include some of the most colourful of the weevils. The colour may be a warning to predators that they are distasteful. Most species feed upon yam leaves, some of which are toxic to other animals. The species occur in PNG, West Irian, and adjacent Islands.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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